Reconstituer une armée en Haïti

WASHINGTON, États-Unis – Reconstituer une armée en Haïti, comme le souhaite son président Michel Martelly, dans un pays où l’armée est «traditionnellement un instrument de la répression», est une «idée horrible», écrit le Washington Post dans un éditorial publié lundi.

«Le catalogue des besoins critiques d’Haïti est sans fin», écrit le Washington Post. «Mais s’il y a bien une chose qui ne fait pas partie des priorités d’Haïti, c’est de reconstituer une armée.»

Selon un document officiel que l’AFP a obtenu fin septembre, le président haïtien Michel Martelly envisage de recruter à partir du mois prochain les premiers 500 soldats d’une nouvelle force militaire dans le pays, dix-sept ans après la dissolution de l’armée.

Dans ce document intitulé «Politique de sécurité et de défense nationale», le président Martelly estime «qu’il devient urgent de compléter la Force publique en réactivant sa composante militaire».

«Pendant des années, en l’absence de menaces extérieures, l’armée a d’abord été un instrument sanguinaire dédié à la répression», écrit le Post qui estime que «M. Martelly entretient des relations approfondies avec des groupes très à droite, comme les alliés de l’ancien dictateur Jean-Claude Duvalier, dont le régime a commis des abus atroces».

La reconstruction de l’armée va coûter 95 millions de dollars à Haïti. Cet argent «pourrait être bien mieux utilisé» pour lutter contre le choléra qui a fait des milliers de morts ou pour revenir sur les conséquences dramatiques du séisme dévastateur de janvier 2010, note le Post.

Après des décennies de troubles politiques et des dizaines de coups d’état, Haïti a dissous son armée en 1995. Depuis 2004, s’est installée la mission de stabilisation de l’ONU, la Minustah, qui a été autorisée à désarmer les milices qui existaient encore.

Le Conseil de sécurité a ordonné récemment de retirer 2750 Casques bleus aux effectifs de la mission de l’ONU en Haïti (Minustah) pour les ramener à des niveaux plus proches de ceux d’avant le tremblement de terre de janvier 2010.
Agence France Presse


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1 thought on “Reconstituer une armée en Haïti

  1. Haiti does not need an Army.

    We do not need an army in Haiti. We need a well trained professional Police Force. (Completely independent from the Executive branch of the government). Please no more drug dealers, murderers, assassins, dressed in Army uniforms that think that they are above the law, the Haitian Army has always been a force of repression, never, not even once, they have defended the national soil, not in 1915, not in 1994 , not when Trujillo murdered over 20,000 Haitians in the Dominican Republic in October 1937….

    The Army of Haiti has always been a worthless corps of murderers ( with a few exceptions)…whose top leaders have stolen millions when in power while the people went hungry…. untouchable drug lords like Jean Claude Paul and Rosny Casimir, etc… Do we want to return to the time of Ti Boulé ? Jean Tassy? Sony Borges? Jean Valmé? Williams Régala? and so many others….

    When Jean Tassy a/k/a Son Tassy entered the Brazilian Embassy in 1969…Tassy admitted to the Brazilian Ambassador that over 2000 people HAD BEEN MURDERED by the police he headed while chief of police, (during the so-called communist offensive of 1969 ) that’s not counting those ASSASSINATED by the Tontons Macoutes, the Casernes Dessalines and Palace Guards. (Hundreds of victims were thrown from Morne Kabrit to their death in the Ravines). Unbelievable atrocities were committed then by the Army. ( At that time the police department was part of the Army)

    November 28th 1987, peaceful citizens in line in voting polls in Port-au-Prince, were massacred by the repressive forces of Namphy and Regala, including a Dominican Journalist: Carlos Grullon and dozens more peaceful citizens of Haiti …

    April 26th 1963 at least 1500 people were massacred in Port-au-Prince by the repressive forces of François Duvalier’s Army, including the entire Benoit and Edeline family (Babies were murdered and dissapeared)… Assassinated also on that day by the Army: the Bajeux family – Benoit Armand – Captain Albert Poitevien – Colonel Edouard Roy – and hundreds more….

    In September of 1964, the Army massacred entire families in Jérémie, including babies of 2 – 3 – 4 & 10 years old of the Sansaricq’s famiily… ( Other families including the Drouin – Villedrouin- Guilbaud – Lisa Villedrouin was 12 years old and physically raped in front of her parents…)- Hundreds of peasant were also massacred all over La Grande Anse for “collaboration” with the 13 of Jeune Haiti .

    In June 15 & 16 1957, General Antonio Th. Kébreau assassinated over 2000 civilians in La Saline in Port-au-Prince, the victims were partisans of deposed President Daniel Fignolé… for two consecutive nights with heavy machine guns fire, the Army went house by house shooting at people at will, like clay pigeon… the next day, trucks from the Fire department were hosing down the blood in the streets of the Capital… Kebreau then set to kill dozens more in the South in the Department of La Grande Anse: Dame Marie- Moron- Jérémie, Roseau, Corail and Pestel where Daniel Fignolé was born.

    It was Army officers of François Duvalier that stole the dead body of Clément Jumelle in 1957 in the streets of Port-au-Prince during his funerals and murdered his brothers: Ducasse Jumelle and another younger brother whose name escapes me now, also the very same day in the same house, everyone who was in the home of the MonFiston family were also murdered by Army officers ( The Beauvoir’s brothers from the Police Department of Port-au-Prince) plus a lot more of his partisans…. ( Major John Beauvoir -Port-au-Prince Police Dept. The Police chief at the time was Colonel Daniel Beauvoir ) It was also General Antonio TH. Kebreau’s Army that murdered the first American citizen in Haiti: Shelby Talamas, he was an innocent victim accused unjustly of the killing of 4 soldiers in Kenscoff… ( The honorable Gerald Drew was then the US Ambassador to Haiti and accused Kebreau for the crime)

    August 30th 1959 what the Army did in the South, chasing 30 supposedly “Cuban guerilleros” most of them unarmed, hundreds of Haitian peasants were massacred in the La Grande Anse again for allegedly “helping” the invaders ???? I will reveal much more in my next book: “Le Parcours d’un Combattant” ” The Journey Of A Fighter” coming soon.

    No! O GOD No! No… to the formation of a new Haitian Army….the soil of Haiti can’t absorb any more innocent blood from a bunch of murderers, as we have seen in just our own lifetime. What the Haitian people need is an Army of Teachers and professional’s nation builders, not an Army of murderers. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ! I will cover 1991/1994 period in my next book.


    Bernard Sansaricq

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