ONE STEP FORWARD – TWO STEPS BACK US-backed textile training center opens in Haiti-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Associated Press Writer

Steve Jean grew up making clothes, and so did his parents and grandparents. Now he’s helping create a new generation of textile workers that aid agencies hope will help Haiti rebound from a devastating earthquake.

Jean is head trainer at the country’s first job training center for textile workers, the U.S.-funded Haitian Apparel Center, that was inaugurated Wednesday – a bright spot in an economic landscape that was bleak even before the Jan. 12 earthquake.

“We have a lot of young people in Haiti who are not working and who don’t have any profession,” Jean said. “So, this is an opportunity for them to learn something, to know how to sew.”

U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Merten said it would also help Haitian companies advance from making “simple things, like sheets and T-shirts, to more complex garments. And more complex garments mean higher profit margins and more money coming into the country.”

The center, which will eventually train some 2,000 people per year, was planned long before the earthquake. Its opening was delayed because a post-quake emergency health clinic occupied the space for several months.

The center is part of a four-year, $104.8 million USAID program to improve manufacturing skills of workers. It dovetails with the Haitian Economic Lift Program, which was signed into law in Washington, D.C. in May to expand Haiti’s garment trade with the U.S., largely by expanding tariff exemptions.

The center also aims to have U.S. executives give seminars to senior managers, factory owners and business leaders.

Wages range from about $3.09 to $5 a day for entry-level textile workers in Haiti. While workers struggle to feed, house and clothe their families on that income, it’s better than what most Haitian workers have: no formal job at all.

Officials also say that once workers are trained and become more skilled, they will earn more than the minimum.

Even before the earthquake, unemployment was estimated at between 60 and 80 percent. People get by on remittances from relatives living abroad, selling items in the street or odd jobs.

The U.S. aid should help boost a Haitian apparel industry that last year shipped $513 million worth of goods, with labels including Hanes and New Balance.

The industry has been shrinking in recent years – down to about 25,000 jobs, a quarter of what there were 20 years ago.

As a test run before the formal opening, USAID and the center trained 13 sewing machine operators. All appeared for a certificate ceremony on Wednesday. And all have been hired at factories.
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Haiti is the ideal place for an assembly industry, of any kind. Haitians can do anything and they are quick learners.

Unfortunately, the  international community has a tendency to change agendas with the rapidity of a man changing his socks……and the socks are never changed in accordance with the Haitian needs.

The do-gooder also become involved with their insane demands for higher minimum wages which – if successful – only drive the business elsewhere and leave more Haitians out of work, and starving. No one ever asks the real Haitian worker about minimum wages. Decision-makers are always guys who have three meals per day, plus snacks…and expensive diet plans to remove the excess weight,  warm showers, good clothing…and so forth.  Many have never been to Haiti and could not locate it on a map.

We had 100,000 assembly jobs in 1991 when the OAS, urged on by George Bush, imposed an illegal embargo on Haiti that saw thousands of children starve to death for Democracy.  Haiti’s OAS friends pillaged the economy, stealing the valuable jobs for their own economies.

Now people boast about plans to generate 26,000 assemble jobs…that still leaves us miles away from where we were in 1991.

Democracy has no calories!!!


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1 thought on “ONE STEP FORWARD – TWO STEPS BACK US-backed textile training center opens in Haiti-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

  1. Bravo Michael.

    I can recall the embargo crime.

    I lost my business and 200 workers lost their food.

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