
Image result for guys with guns cartoon

The Interior Minister has just requested 100,000,000 gourdes for Presidential Security over the period May1 – May 18. That comes out to 20,000,000 and roughly $1,500,000 USD divided by 18 gives us roughly $85,000 USD per day.WOW!!

As an economy move, President Jovenel should sit home and watch TV for a few days, and save Haiti a lot of money.

Project  250 security guys on the team – it is over $425.00 per day per person. That gives a member of this security crew over $150,000 USD per year.

Will they move around on 60 passenger buses?

With that big of a security team, there is a real danger of shooting each other, or President Moise – by accident.

If the place is this dangerous, we should retain MINUSTAH!!

Of course, there is a question as to where the PNH is in all of this?

Would be interesting to see a break-down on this fortune in a nation that has people starving in the Northwest and South.

As a precautionary measure, some suggest an Interdiction Order on the Interior Minister.


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