August 30, 2013
Lots of excuses but Finance Minister is sitting on cheques for key CEP coordinators, for a number of months, even though $1,500,000 on deposit for these expenditures.
Is this a subtle effort to derail Prime Minister Lamothe’s effort to keep promise of elections?
All of this and husband of Valerie Milfort, Sophia’s shadow, has received several hundreds of thousands for an unnecessary renovations of the Golds Gym building. His cheue was not delayed.
Elections unimportant.
Progress counts.
Lamothe is gifting that.
Elections will deliver nothing more than new retards in Senate and Chambre.
Lamothe works towards elections while Martelly plays a two-faced game, saying one thing, while meaning the other. He has learned well from Bill Clinton.
The entire CEP situation is carefully contrived to guarantee a no election situation for 2013, le alone 2014.
Martelly is playing a dangerous game but his rumored cocaine habit may explain this irrational behaviour and paranoia.
Perhaps Sophia’s value is controlling the President when he is deep in the arms of Madame C.