May 22, 2017
Some say that President Moise sent a letter to President Trump.
That is nice, but really too little too late. Should have initiated contact in March. No one advised him of situation, or its potential for good and positive media coverage of his new Presidency.
In every negative situation there is a positive factor.
I have seen our ambassador in Washington’s letter to the State Department. It was so “limp-wristed” that we didn’t waste space publishing it. My “auto-write” could have done the same, or a library of letters, for all occasions, could have been edited to equal it. Just change the dates and addressee.
As a first move, President Moise should have replaced all ambassadors with his own people, starting in Washington. He should have reviewed and revised all embassy/consular staffs, chopping their numbers to reflect real requirements.
Haiti received a God-given opportunity to put our Nation on the world stage – again – as the Trump administration moves towards revocation of Temporary Protected Status for 50,000 Haitians in the States.
The Trump people say that conditions in Haiti have improved to the point that TPS is no longer justified. They have obviously not visited Haiti lately (if ever) and have no real idea other than to serve their master, Donald Trump. When he asked for the criminal records of Haitian TPS people, there was an obvious thrust here. He would use whatever evidence was obtained to justify removal of our people, a valuable source within America’s economy. Haitians have the lowest unemployment rate of any national group.
Did anyone here, other than Haitian Truth mention this? NO!
In fact, a Haitian friend commented upon one major reason the Haitians in American are vulnerable. I had never thought of this factor, but it is a real, and valid one.
Foreigners look at the ongoing internal Haitian fiascos- disrespect for the Democratic process, turbulence, criminality, institutionalized corruption drug trafficking into the States, human rights violations and more – as being reflective of the Haitian morality, character, psychology within the States!
In other words, they are being judged on the basis of the image projected by Haiti itself.
And really, if one looks at it honestly, the image of Haiti from the States is not good. IT IS TERRIBLE!!!
Our brothers and sisters, who have escaped the hopeless Haitian internal situations, managing obtain Temporary Protected Status, managed to build a future for themselves, their families.
These Haitians, in the States, not only contribute to the American economy, they send a ton of cash back to Haiti – a sort of unofficial Foreign Aid process.
Anyone following the American media is surprised at the unanimity of support for the 50,000 Haitians. Republicans, Democrats, union leaders, mayors, governors, church leaders, business leaders.
But there is no visible support from our own government.
We should have mounted a massive campaign to derail the concept of TPS revocation – and – at the same time, generated a parallel campaign to communicate with the world – an other important subjects.
Their focus of attention was on us and we should have taken advantage of the possibilities while they existed.
The door was open but nobody walked through it.
The focus will transfer to another target and Haiti will once again be ignored, and in the shadows.
Sola was right when he criticized Jovenel’s inner circle.
But will this have any effect?
We are not optimistic.
Jovenel cannot do everything himself!
THIS …….