The FLAME OF TRUTH is flickering near oblivion. We are dedicated to fanning them with facts. Truth will empower Haitians
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That would be outreagous, and it is appaling that people are spreading false information on whomever it may be. These guys should be prosecuted.
Leopold Berlanger is aimed at political power and hates Martelly. Vision 2000 is openly anti-governement but has limits. Berlanger is paying many dollars for these secret web attacks.
Some say he made the profits to build the 5 houses he has under construction, from cocaine.
Perhaps that is acceptable if he is not a kidnapper.
With this animal on the CEP we will have multitudes of problems.
These people have been transmitting lies about our President of the Chambre.
The should be public and not hide is they believe their words. When they speak it is Berlanger and Vision 2000.
These guys are spreading false info on BBM their pin is 26fd2eb1. They release a bulletin with a false statement on the President of the Chamber of Deputies on the Brandt’s case.
Watch out for false rumours.
Berlanger may find himself wrapped up with the Brandt situation. Wait and see what happens. He has some skeletons in his cuppoards
The following is the latest BBM signed by Lorthe to retract from the previous report without an excuse
News Infos/ @wbossou83:
L’ancien Commissaire de Pernier Yves Michel Bellefleur serait actuellement sous les verrous dans le cadre de l’affaire Clifford Brandt, Selon une source proche du Palais national.
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News Infos/ @wbossou83:
Le depute Levaillant Louis Jeune dement formellement avoir accordé d’interview concernant son collegue Garcia Delva qui, selon les rumeurs, seraient arrêté en Republique Dominicaine.
Le Président de la chambre Basse affirme ne detenir aucune information sur cette affaire d’arrestation de l’ex chanteur de Zenglen qui circule sur les resaux sociaux.
Lorthé & News Infos
The following is the latest BBM signed by Lorthe to retract from the previous report without an excuse
News Infos/ @wbossou83:
L’ancien Commissaire de Pernier Yves Michel Bellefleur serait actuellement sous les verrous dans le cadre de l’affaire Clifford Brandt, Selon une source proche du Palais national.
Ret Branche
News Infos/ @wbossou83:
Le depute Levaillant Louis Jeune dement formellement avoir accordé d’interview concernant son collegue Garcia Delva qui, selon les rumeurs, seraient arrêté en Republique Dominicaine.
Le Président de la chambre Basse affirme ne detenir aucune information sur cette affaire d’arrestation de l’ex chanteur de Zenglen qui circule sur les resaux sociaux..
Lorthé & News Infos
Our radios are of bias so informations can seldom be depandable. Signal FM for Martelly the balance against.