Sophie’s Choice is a 1982 American drama in which Meryl Streep stars as Sophie, a Polish immigrant who shares a boarding house in Brooklyn.
The film was fiction!
Unfortunately, for Haiti, Sophia’s Choice is a reality, one that threatens the present and future stability of our nation.
The choice of Florence Duperval Guillaume as Interim Prime Minister, replacing Laurent Lamothe, a sophomoric effort to create a situation in which she, and President Martelly, will move towards the installation of Max Bellerive as the real Prime Minister.
Either choice is an insult to the Nation, and a “Finger” to the International Community.
Lock up the bank accounts, or is it already too late.
I voted for Michel not his fat wife the greedy Sophia and her brother Kiko.
Where is Michel?
Martelly governement would be a success without Sophia and her family of cocaine dealers.
Sophia must be stopped.
This soap opera will not have a happy ending.
Sophia will be hammered by America’s Internal Revue Service, for failure to pay taxes on her stolen funds.
Kiko will finally be arrested by the DEA, although they have called off this event three times in recent days.
Olivier will face justice for the funds he has taken to build a hotel in the Dominican Republic plus several buildings in Petionville. One of these has Palace Police guarding to parking area of an unfinished structure.
And President Michel Martelly will be seen as a failure having surrendered his authority to Sophia, Kiko and a Commission of 11 Haitians who – now – do not agree upon the decision to dumpr Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, the only good element in this othewise disastrous presidency.
Aristide and Preval wait in the wings, ready to reenter the stage.
P-au-P., 21 dec. 2014
Suite a la démission du Premier Ministre Laurent Salvador LAMOTHE et de son retrait du poste pour raisons personnelles, Madame Florence DUPERVAL GUILLAUME, Ministre de la Santé Publique et de la Population, a été désignée à titre de Première Ministre Intérimaire conformément à l’article 165 de la Constitution. (Extrait d’un communiqué official)
Mr. Collins.
You often finish an article by saying, “It is not over till the fat lady sings.
Is this a reference to the First Lady’s singing ability?
OH NO! “SLICK WILLY” Bill Clinton, Max Bellerive, and the Dominicans will have total control. Haiti is going to be dupe again. Haiti is in need of some divine intervention.
Nope, the sad reality is Evans Paul is the new PM…It is much worse