Nov 19, 2016
Anger within Privert circle aimed at Rosny Desroche, Jude Celestin and Leopold Berlanger for generating a situation that has wasted a compete year to and end up with same two candidates as faced run-off last year..
Rosny Desroches was the guy who yelled “FIRE!!! In the movie theater” when he made the comment about MASSIVE FRAUD immediately after the October, 2015 vote.
The next day he said that the vote was a good one, with minor irregularities, caused by a lack of experience, and not due to criminal goals.
Celestin refused to participate in a run-off, because he knew he could not win. He was not man enough to accept the truth, and let our people get on with their lives.
Unfortunately, the panic was on and everyone wanting to block the electoral process, for varying agendas, took up the cry of MASSIVE FRAUD
Well, here we are a year later, with Celestin and Jovenel – having wasted more than $100,000,000 that could have been used to build schools, hospitals, fight cholera, buy rice-and-beans for children.
Privert has already cleaned his office out.
If tomorrow’s election fails, Privert will step down on Monday.
MINUSTAH will be strengthened and a Provisional leader will be selected, like the time the incompetent Gerard Latortue was allowed to waste a fortune in time and cash. Latortue is said to have made over $11,000,000 and had the audacity to steal 2 armoured limos that he was forced to return from Miami.
Parliament will be thrown into another emergency as many Senators will see their terms expire January 2017.
If Sunday’s election is a success, and a winner is chosen, or two people for a run-off are qualified, Privert will stay till February, 2017 to hand over power to the ultimate winner.
Jovenel has poll ratings that show his total of 58.7% more than the next 6 candidates’ totals added together.
If Jovenel doesn’t win, then THERE IS MASSIVE FRAUD!!!
Expect troubles in area normally violence free and low violence in normally violent areas.
We remain the laughing stock of the world.
Let’s get on with life.
Put Jovenel in the palace and move forward.
Privert will be a candidate next round.