April 21, 2014
Senate President Desras makes statement from Fermath home allegedly purchased with $330,000 bribe as he accuses Martelly government of illegal activity with regard to ONA.
Seems as though government, short of cash, borrowed from ONA and public pension funds. BRH then tried to cover this by offering bonds on the local market. The other Haitian banks declined the offer.
ONA problems are not the creation of the Martelly/Lamothe government. They started with the Prosper Avril Presidency when an audit was forced upon ONA and Avril derailed this.
Affaires Sociales Minister Arno Guerrier resigned, as a result of this.
Subsequent governments, Aristide, Preval, Latortue have treated ONA funds as an open source, with no regard for the pensions of future generations.
Existing and past Senators and Deputies have illegally borrowed millions from ONA and never paid them back.
They used ONA as their private piggy bank. Senators Lambert and dozens of others appear on the books.
Senator Bastien borrowed money, for his Dominican based hospital, but he paid his debt, the only one to do so.
Strangely, the Duvalier government, so often accused of financial crimes, would not touch ONA. At one point, when Theo Achille was Minister of Affaires Sociales, he suggested tapping ONA for needed cash. Jean Claude Duvalier stopped this with a comment, to the effect, “My father always said that no one should touch ONA funds.”
The ONA problem has been created by a long succession of governments, and now Martelly is holding a one pound bag, with two pounds of poo in it.
No simplistic solution presents itself.
The disease is much deeper than one existing for the few months of Martelly’s presidency. It is not something a few antibiotics will cure. The ONA crisis is one that will require a cool, calm analysis with follow-up actions to guarantee the financial solidity of this important institution.
Any investigation must include a public study, and analysis of the cash taken from ONA by Lambert and a host of others, past and present.
So far as elections are concerned, Desras, and his associates, have done everything possible to guarantee no elections will be held. The International Community knows this.
Elections are only one element in magnifying the national crisis. Desras, and his associates, have said that the situation is a Constitutional one. Holding elections now, with more than 15,000 positions to fill, is not the answer.
It will only add to the instability and chaos.
It is a time for all Haitians to solve this problem since we are all responsible, to some degree, for the problem.
Unfortunately, Senator Desras, and his partners, are onlyinterested in chaos, and the instability it generates. They hope to profit from this chaos, the detriment of Haiti’s 9,000,000 citizens
This Benedict Arnold (Desras)should be in JAIL! along with all THE OTHER MARCHAN PEYI. It’s sad that the ones entrusted to strengthen our institutions are the ones RAPING and abusing them. it’s time for us to demand more from our elected officials.