September 28, 2011
In a manner, guaranteed to irritate Haitian authorities, Charles D. Beeker, claiming to be from the University of Indiana has parachuted into Haiti with a goal to identify and salvage Captain Henry Morgan;s flagship, the Oxford, in waters surrounding the Isle a’Vache.
As is so often the case, foreigners believe that Haiti has not structure…and therefore no prior contacts or approvals are required before messing with the nation’s historical artifacts. Beeker was/is so naïve as to believe that a local mayor can give him authorization and approval for historic salvage dives.
After the unfortunate experiences with Subsea Research, a group that operated near Isle a’Vache and Jacmel, before attempting to steal and smuggle artifacts out of the country….Haitians are very wary.
One official project supported the Caribbean Marine Institute which had a four year contract, covering Haiti’s territorial waters, did not manage to take advantage of the authorization. It was unable to obtain insurance cover on boats and equipment since the government, at the time, was not legitimate as far as the underwriters were concerned.
Haitians beware – Charlie Beeker is out there at Isle a Vache looking for our treasure..
I know Charlie. He is a very arrogant, impatient man who listens, but does not hear, the comments or advice of others.
I am sure he believes he is superior to those who inhabit a third or fourth world nation.
He may get a surprise.
He is with us at The Port Morgan Hotel on Vache
What is one more intrusion?
We already have 11,000 unregistered ONGs here, collecting money internationally and doing nothing here.
He is back at the Caribe Hotel, an arrogant American who should be remembered by all who guard and protect our national treasures. His ego is more important that our national interests.
Search his bags on the way out.
This person is really one of the rudest people to hit Haiti. His rudeness is only exceeded by his stupidity.
Charlie Beeker flew into Haiti, unannounced, and expected someone to lead him to the place where Captain Morgan’s flagship, the Oxford sank. He has obviously not even Googled to see what the facts are.
Burt Webber spent years in research before he set out to find the Concepcion in the Dominican Republic
He spent some years, researching the possible wreck sites for The Oxford and wanted to coordinate a search and recovery project. I have seen his proposal and the possible locations. Webber did not plan to fly in and have some friendly Haitian row him to the site on his first weekend. He expected to spend over $1.5 million on his effort.
Beeker is a classic example of academic ego and I hope the Haitian authorities recognize him for what he is…a smash and grab artist eager for personal glory and to Hell with anything else.
He is an embarrassment for the University of Indiana.
We will personally do whatever we can to block this person from doing anything in Haiti.