February 8, 2014
From day one, Gregory Mayard-Paul has taken it upon himself to filter things, or try and control projects for himself. This, coupled with Sophia’s efforts to control more than she should, has damaged what is the best Presidency since 1986, but should be much more.
At times, President Martelly has told people to come and see him.
They arrived and are blocked by Gregory Myard-Paul.
Sometime by the mental giant, Valerie Milfort.
Martelly probably wonders why certain people didn’t keep their appointment , but he is so busy he doesn’t follow up. In many cases, he is probably irritated by the fact his friends, with something important, didn’t take the time to see him.
In the final analysis, Martell is the President and the buck stops on his desk. It is the height of ego for Gregory Mayard-Paul to interfere to the extent he does.
I know of one occasion where Martelly phoned someone, telling he wanted to see him at 10:30 the following day.
When the person arrived, Valerie Milfort and Gregory Mayard-Paul created a big smoke screen that saw the person leave without seeing the President.
When Martelly asked the guy why he hadn’t appeared, he told the President about the stone-wall. In his case, something happened. In most cases things simply slip into the murky past. Much useful information has been lost that would have made the Martelly Presidency better.
Many ask. Is Martelly running the government or is it Gregory Mayard-Paul.
Time for the President to rethink his situation and take advantage of the opening presented by Obama’s welcome in Washington.
We know that there is only 24 hours per day and President Martelly’s has many demands upon his time.
Perhaps Gregory Mayard-Paul is not the one who should be rationing access to the President.
The people did not elect Gregory Mayard-Paul.
We are looking at a second term for Michel Martelly.
Let’s get things right so we don’t waste a minute.
That is for sure! The Mayard-Paul’s have been a major flaw in the Martelly team. Unfortunately, they have a lot of company.
We wish President Martelly the best.
He needs all the help he can get.
Thierry Mayard-Paul is worse.