How can Martelly be serious about anything when he leaves Nesmy Manigat as Minister of Education, even as small children march the streets – in large crowds – demanding that he pay their teachers?
Yesterday, hundreds of kids about 7 years of age, were marching through downtown Port-au-Prince chanting, “PAY OUR TEACHERS!!!”
Audit Nesmy Manigat’s accounts – then put him in jail!!
And Manigat is running a media campaign, saying everything is all right in Education when PSUGO is a disaster, he has almost 1000 Zombi- nonexistent schools, drawing funds. He has Senators and Deputies taking money from him. He is spending tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands on stupid, often nonexistent things like seminars on the sex lives of cockroaches or to prove 2 + 4 = 6, even in this time of inflation.
Manigat should go!
And then, Martelly returns Casimir to the cabinet after he was a total dead loss in Foreign Affairs.
If this isn’t bad enough, he has given strong political bases to Benoit – Affaires Sociales, and Senator Bauzile Alphabetization – with offices throughout the country through which to campaign.
Martelly’s two promises – Education and Security seem to have gone down the toilet and he takes no steps to rectify these situations – which have simple solutions.
The entire Martelly government is too strongly influenced by non-elected – non-government individuals like Sophia, Olivier, Kiko and a band of others.
Michel Martelly still has the opportunity to leave a valuable legacy, but he must take immediate steps to do so.
Many believed him and trusted him with their childrens’ future.
If Sophia is allowed to continue he forward march, like an invading force of voracious ants – the Nation is doomed.