April 17, 2016
Privert – “The Hero of la Scerie” continues to dig his own grave. This malevolently focused sociopath tries to hold power beyond his mandated May 14 departure and will do absolutely anything to do so.
In the face of local and international resistance, Privert has ordered a recount of ballots in an election that was accepted as free-and-fair by international observers. Even the GROUP 8 has refused to participate in the Privert commission. The commission will waste 30 days – ANOTHER MONTH!
Intelligence sources, in the Dominican Republic, have provided evidence that Privert has printed counterfeit ballots, identical to those used in October 25, 2015 first round voting.
Privert plans to introduce these into the recount.
After all, Privert made statements, to the effect that Jovenel Moise was really Number 5!
He never said who was Number One.
Privert’s blind Lavalas loyalty make the choice an obvious one, reinforced by his 3 A.M. visits to Aristide in his Tabarre lair.
By calling the ex-Prime Ministers before Parliament, Privert is really aiming at Laurent Lamothe and President Martelly. This is a basic part of his effort to discredit the Martelly team, backed with a spread of Interdiction Notices, against number of prominent Haitians, including Finance Minister Wilson Laleau and Martelly’s son Olivier.
This ex-Prime Minister concept could/should backfire on Privert. When Michel Martelly was elected, he promised to take steps with regard to the crimes of Jean Bertrand Aristide and Rene Preval. He specifically mentioned the $198,000,000 Preval’s team stole from Petrocaribe funding, needed to help the Haitian people.
Unfortunately, Michel Martelly is a good person, not prone to the malevolence of Privert, Preval, Aristide and their teams.
Martelly tried to mend fences and make peace among the various parties.
This has proved to be a mistake.
Perhaps Justice will be found, with the election of a new President – Jovenel Moise.
A new broom sweeps clean.
For the moment, ex-Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe will outline his government’s projects and the role Petrocaribe played in their success. During nearly 3 years as Prime Minister, Lamothe accomplished a great deal.
And then Lamothe will be followed by Max Bellerive who should be forced to tell the Truth about the Preval team’s rape and pillage of Petrocaribe funding, coordinated by Privert – known as “Mr. Petrocaribe,” in Preval’s inner circle. Privert knows where the bodies are buried, and where the money is hidden. He worked in close concert with Bank Governor Castel. There could be no crime of this size without Castel’s knowledge and active support. Castel has become fabulously wealthy as a result of his term with the Bank.
Enough is enough!
Privert, Preval, Bellerive and Charles Castel must be revealed for what they are.
Only then will Haiti move a small step towards real Democracy.
We are not optimistic.
Cash buys silence!
But this small child deserves the Truth!