John A. Carroll, MD
MUST SEE VIDEO ON UN VIOLENCE IN HAITI: “It Stays With You–Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti”
Mar 8 2018

The United Nations brought death, destruction, cholera, brothels, child molestation, and disrespect to Haiti. The billions of dollars, spent on this criminal organization, would have been better spent on schools for kids, rice and beans, an infrastructure.
The documentary film “It Stays with You–Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti” was directed and produced by Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhan Wills. This film addresses the impact on the local community of UN peacekeepers’ use of force in Cité Soleil, Haiti, during the period 2004-2007, which left scores of civilians dead. No investigation has ever been carried out and none of those affected has ever been contacted by the UN, local police, or journalists.

This website examines the responsibilities of the United Nations (UN) with regard to non-targeted (but often foreseeable) deaths and injuries to civilians as a result of the use of force by UN peacekeepers when carrying out mandated operations. In armed conflict contexts, this is often referred to as ‘collateral damage.’ Key issues that we explore include the need for investigations in the immediate aftermath of operations to assess the number of fatalities and the scale and degree of injuries; the need to meet with survivors and families of victims; ensure access to medical care, and provide reparations.
Currently, the UN has no formal policy on ensuring access to medical care for people injured by peacekeeping operations. Whilst there are procedures in place to enable people to make complaints to the UN, these depend on the victim to initiate and many missions make very little or no effort to publicize them or render them accessible to local residents (e.g. by providing information in local languages). Since peacekeeping operations generally take place in impoverished communities, in countries in which state health services are unavailable or very limited, people that are injured by peacekeepers may be unable to afford medical care and so their injuries may remain untreated. Currently, our website focuses on Haiti. Here you will find more about our film, It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti (2017, 50 mins), as well as links to relevant information and reports.
Cahal McLaughlin- Siobhan Wills John A. Carroll, MD:
I can remember loading supplies for shipment into Gonaives, during one of the hurricane disasters. Our storage facility was several miles from Cite Soleir. MINUSTAH was conducting an operation into that area. We could hear the heavy machine-gun fire. .50 caliber M3 Browning machine guns, firing 650 rounds per minute into shacks occupied by frightened Haitians. A .50 caliber round, from a sniper rifle, will penetrate concrete blocks, at a range of 3000 yards, like paper. You can imagine what the bullets did in Cite Soleir.
There are photos and videos of UN MINUSTAH guys ducked down, in their armored personnel carriers, shooting blindly into the slums. They didn’t have any regard as to who they hit.
Over 20,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition were used that day.
Women and children were massacred.
MINUSTAH was after gangs and these guys simply moved out for the day, returning when the UN went home for the night.