by Julia Hahn7 Nov 2016
Washington D.C.54
“An estimated 150,000 Haitian-American voters live in Florida, the state where 537 votes decided the 2000 election,” the New York Times noted in March.
While Haitians tend to lean Democrat, some Haitian-Americans have reportedly threatened “to turn their backs on Hillary Clinton’s Democratic presidential bid because they say the Clintons — and the Clinton Foundation — have not always done what’s best for Haiti,” the Miami Herald reported in October. “In sought-after Florida, where the race between Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump has remained tight, Clinton is finding that the Haitian-American vote is far from locked up.”
“Haitian-American voters also aren’t giving Clinton the kind of support other Democratic candidates are accustomed to in an election where every vote is critical,” the Miami Herald reported.
“The Haitians [have] spent years trashing the Clinton’s for screwing them over and turning the tragic earthquake that rocked the tiny Caribbean country in 2010 into a lucrative venture for their closest allies,” Breitbart News has previously reported.
In the wake of the earthquake in Haiti — while 316,000 lifeless bodies lay buried under rubble, and while 300,000 Haitians suffered from injuries, with another 1.3 million displaced — Hillary Clinton’s family and monied cronies cashed in on the back of the tragedy-stricken Caribbean country. Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, landed a lucrative and historically rare Haitian “gold exploitation permit,” while Clinton Foundation donors, including Digicel mobile phone company founder Denis O’Brien, were winning multi-million dollar contracts that would siphon massive profits from the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. While then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department was funneling billions in relief funds to rebuild Haiti, the Clinton Foundation was leveraging its influence to guide high-dollar contracts to Clinton cronies who would go on to make millions off the catastrophe that had claimed so many lives on the island.
“The Clintons’ history in Haiti is symptomatic of their relationship with black people in the last 30 years,” Ralph Kenol, a Democrat Haitian-American who voted early for Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein over Clinton told the Miami Herald. “I have a problem with Clinton’s Haiti policy just as much as I have one with their policies over the crime bill and welfare reform.”
“The Haitian people had a rare opportunity to see Bill Clinton up close for many years and see the non-results… There were a lot of photo ops, but five, six years later, Haitians know nothing was accomplished,” Kenol said.
Well, she just had her fat ass handed to her in Florida. Seems like she is toast. Haitians in the USA are voting AGAINST hillary.