La Police Nationale d’Haïti a procédé à l’arrestation de Rony Timothée, l’un des manifestants identifiés dans l’incendie d’une station d’essence et d’un véhicule, le 14 mai dernier, dans la capitale haïtienne. La Police Nationale d’Haïti (PNH) a ainsi exécuté un mandat émis suite aux plaintes déposées par les victimes des actes de sabotage.
Les dégâts que pourraient causer l’incendie… de cette station d’essence sont considérables. Imaginez, un moment, l’explosion massive de ce produit inflammable et sa propagation.
We now see Manigat, MOPOD, TRIPOC, UNIPOD and the other political malcontents claiming the guy should not be arrested because this was a “Political Act.”
My God!
Since when did criminal destruction of private, or public property, with a threat to life, become an acceptable “Political Act.”
This guy should be jailed as an example to everyone.
Ahh Jack, that is the influence of hip hop and the ignorant mindset of some of the diaspora. To hell with Jailing him. Tar and feather the coward bastard, then leave him shackled in the sun for everyone to spit on.
Bravo . Maybe Haiti will be open for business instead of crisis.
They try to claim innocence, of this crime because it is Political. Unless the person, and his associates are tried in a court there will be no stability. Many more should be arrested. The powder trail leads back to Aristide and
Arrestation for all, perhaps Mirlande Manigat.