August 13, 2011
In an earlier disaster, Martelly planned an 8 nation sweep of Europe, visiting heads-of-state in each country. Problem was, his Foreign Affairs people did not make arrangements and 7 of the 8 refused to receive him as anything other than a tourist. Spain was the one who accepted Martelly because they have an agenda in Haiti.
One would assume that one fiasco should be enough and his team would learn from this.
Not likely when you count RoRo Nelson and Mayard-Paul as intimate advisers. One is a disc jockey from Boston and the other likes to drop his pants at parties, jump up on tables to fart in peoples’ faces.
Martelly has flown off to South America for meetings with some more heads of state, taking a few of these talented advisers with him.
Chile accepted him but he has been rejected by Argentina’s President Kirchner because of some flaky excuse involving a child who had an abortion. Abortions are not allowed to disrupt international protocol, unless it was President Kirchner. Some suggest that the Martelly government’s refusal to greet Argentina’s Foreign Minister, had something to do with this – and it could.
Why weren’t all of the arrangements made before departure?? He should have had a firm schedule for all events down to the point of knowing what wine was going to be served at a State Dinner. Instead, he has embarrassed Haiti – yet again – by launching off on an uncoordinated mission that does nothing to further our hopes for investment, tourism and simple understanding
La Cancillería informó que el presidente de Haití, Michel Martelly, decidió posponer su visita al país al tomar conocimiento del tema familiar que atraviesa la presidenta de la Nación, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
Sin embargo, y para continuar con los planes de ayuda que desarrolla nuestro país en Haití, el presidente Martelly decidió que varios miembros de su gobierno arriben hoy a la Argentina para relizar todas las reuniones previstas con sus pares argentinos a fin de continuar con la intensa agenda bilateral.
Ambas cancillerías agendarán una nueva fecha para concretar la visita del presidente Martelly a nuestro país.
Martelly is just one embarassments after anothers
Martelly ignores real problems here by travelling the countryside or make flights to USA, Europes and South American.
Tent camps are being assaulted and moved to nowheres. Schools will not open. Reconstruction has halted. The economy is dead and he has RoRo Nelson on TV telling us senators have little monies: Martelly HAS BIG MONEY!!!
How stupid and admission that our Preisdent is stealing more than Senators.