On Friday, Prime Minister Evans Paul proceeded, to the swearing-in ceremonies, and the installation of the 9 members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), in the presence of Andris Riché, Acting Chairman of the Senate of the Republic, Fritz Jean-Louis, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of electoral issues, Pierre Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Olicier Pieriche, Minister of Haitians Living Abroad, members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of different sectors who designated the members of the CEP.
The opportunity for the Prime Minister to appeal for the repatriation and alleviation of the cost of the organization of elections, fundamental act of national sovereignty and of the vitality of democracy. In his remarks for the occasion, Evans Paul invited the public to have confidence in CEP which is “composed of credible personalities chosen democratically,” by sectors of civil society. “The government will not hold elections, this is not what the constitution says. The Government will create conditions conducive to the holding of elections, but it is the CEP which will organize the elections.”
In his speech, the Minister Casimir recalled that according to the Constitution and the law, the CEP is a “court” and insisted on the mission and the importance of this electoral jurisdiction.
The Chief of the consensus government promised to make very good elections adapted to the country’s resources, while reaffirming the will of the Martelly-Paul regime to continue to work towards the modernization of public administration, decentralization of the state and to the continuous improvement of living conditions of the population.
List of members of CEP :
- Ricardo Augustin : Episcopal Conference
- Vijonet Demero : Reformed Worship
- Yolette Mengual : Woman sector
- Jaccéus Joseph : Human Rights sector
- Lucie Marie Carmelle Paul Austin : University sector
- Pierre Manigat Jr : Press sector
- Lourdes Edith Joseph : Unions sector
- Néhémie Joseph : Sector Peasant/Voodoo
- Pierre-Louis Opont : Employer sector