Oct 19, 2016
As Privert busily tries to explain his invitation to the Dominican military, and his authorization of their use of “Deadly Force” to protect bottles of water, bags of rice, etc. the Cour de Cassation finally took its responsibility and demanded the departure of the criminal Privert.
The Cour de Cassation has demanded the application of Article 149, from the 1987 Constitution, under which a Judge is selected to become Provisional President with the duty to call an election within 45 – 90 days.
This was the solution that should have been applied when President Martelly stepped down. Article 149 or Article 136 would have saved the Nation.
Unfortunately, Privert had been maneuvering for his grab at power since last October when he continued his efforts to block the Martelly move towards elections.
Since that time, Privert has loaded the entire system with Lavalas militants, promising a Lavalas government. Under the PRIVERT PLAN Jovenel would be eliminated, leaving the door open to Jude Celestin and Maryse Narcisse.
We are just moments away from another Lavalas dictatorship.
Time to finally eliminate this threat to Democracy. It only gained 7% at the polls. Now our American friends should follow our Cour de Cassastion, as they finally act, and open the sealed indictments against Aristide, for cocaine trafficking, even if the case reveals that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and their band of brothers and sisters, gained financial benefits from their own criminal support of the Aristide/Lavalas regime.
Haiti deserves this.
Unfortunately, a Hillary Clinton Presidency will yet again cover the cancer and allow the patient a lingering death for Haiti.
Le Nouvelliste.com
Les juges de la Cour de cassation réclament le fauteuil présidentiel
Alors que le pays peine à sortir la tête de l’eau environ deux semaines après le passage de l’ouragan Matthew, les juges de la Cour de cassation ne trouvent mieux à faire que de réclamer la présidence de la République. La réclamation est faite, ouvertement, dans une résolution et une note de presse datées du 18 octobre 2016.
What will this accomplish, and why is it a good or bad idea
Perhaps Jocelerme Privert should call upon the DR to fly Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucanos over the “Cour de Cassation”, to make them reconsider their demand. ha ha ha. By the way, most replies on Le Nouvelliste mocked the stooges sitting on that court and the demand that they made.
MICHAEL COLLINS, you can block my static IP, but you cannot block all the dynamic IPs that are out there. And the only way you can block my messages from getting to YOU is by removing the commenting system altogether.
You called me a piece of shit for posting something rather hateful years ago. You are a bigger piece of shit for believing that you are the only bearer of The Truth and for trying to silence me.
RIcart. Off the high horse there. You know what you are. Sit with that.
We do not block comments that are disagreeable, no matter from what pit they come from, even though we could easily silence your comments here quite simply. Your use of an IP anonymizer has seen you only waste your own time.
You are also incorrect in stating that we claim to be the “ONLY” bearer of the truth…Those are your words.
We do bear the truth, as you well know.
Wow, sounds like the he has a big ego too. Sad. Some dominican have so much hate that they are unable to even hide it.