There is an old saying, that asks, if a tree falls in the forest…and no one is present, does it make a noise. This is along with the concept that wonders if the fridge light goes off when you close the door??
We, in Haiti, can see the reality of what is happening.
But Preval’s “smoke and mirrors” present a different and flawed view to the outside world.
You can do anything, when you have money, and the Preval/Celestin team stole $198,000,000 from the PETROCARAIBE FUND, a fund created to help hurricane victims in 2008.
The victims are still waiting for help, as are the victims of the January 12 earthquake, and now our cholera victims.
Preval has stolen everything and now applies these stolen dollars to a project that will see him remain in control of the cash cow, via another Moo, Madame Mirlande Manigat….or, as a last minute, bold, longshot, Jude Celestin.
There is a vast ground swell of support for Jean-Henry Ceant, but there is not a glimmer about him – other than the odd small comment – in the world media.
Instead, the media promotes a fallacy, a simple and cruel lie in a world that constantly chants the mantra – “Free and Fair Elections..”
Preval, and his associate, Chamber of Commerce President, Boulos, and members of the business community – eager to maintain their advantageous financial situations – have created a series of POLLS that show Mirlande Manigat and Charles Baker in the lead, with Ceant somewhere below dog catcher. Ceant sits at something like 2%.
TIME magazine has a giant feature on Manigat and does not even mention Ceant’s name. Is there some sort of message here??
The MIAMI HERALD writes a big feature article on Jude Celestin, without a mention of Ceant. Another message? I contacted the author of this article with some comments and his reply showed that he had done no research at all. It was obvious that he was paid or is completely and totally incompetent. Your choice!
If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes fact. That was Adolf Hitler’s philosophy with his “big lie” approach.
The concept is creating a potential atom bomb.
It prepares the outside world for a Manigat win while the Haitian masses support Ceant. What will happen when the COUP BY MEDIA is recognized for what it is?
Will the world be surprised if and when the Haitian majority rise up in reaction to the theft of another election?
Time will tell and…by that…I am not referring to TIME magazine, that whore who has sold its integrity to promote a crime of major proportions.
The following article will show what I mean.
It doesn’t even mention Jean-Henry Ceant within its paragraphs even though a real poll by an ex Zogby expert places Ceant in the race with 42%.!
Haiti Update: The Presidential Election
Richard André
November 18, 2010
The Haitian presidential election, scheduled for November 28, 2010, is only a week away. For Haitians, the diaspora, and international observers alike, the election of a new president is crucial in shaping the future of the Caribbean nation. The most important issue on the ballot: the state of reconstruction and rehabilitation nearly one year after suffering a 7.0-magnitude earthquake that killed 230,000 people and left over one million homeless.
The general election, and that of 10 senators and 99 deputies, was originally scheduled for February 28, 2010, but was postponed after the January 12 earthquake. The upcoming election remains on schedule, but a second delay is now possible after Haiti’s cholera outbreak, which has already claimed more than 1,200 lives. It has spread to all 10 of the country’s provinces as well as the Dominican Republic.
Only one organization, the Bureau of Computer Research and Economic and Social Development (BRIDES), has published an exit poll that tracks the percentage of projected votes in the upcoming election. According to the most recent BRIDES poll, published on October 24, four candidates have taken a solid lead in the polls. The front runners include Mirlande Manigat (23.1 percent), Jude Célestin (21.3 percent), Michel Martelly (9.7 percent), and Charles Henri Baker (8.7 percent).
However, the BRIDES report has come under fire from observers due to its glaring inconsistencies with a September 29 poll conducted by the same organization. According to the two polls, projected votes for Jude Célestin increased 175 percent, and he jumped from fifth place (7.8 percent) in September to second place one month later. However, in a country with historic questions of corruption and consistent polling challenges, the BRIDES figures may not be entirely accurate.
Nineteen candidates of the original 34 aspirants, not including Haitian pop-star Wyclef Jean, were deemed eligible to run for president by the electoral council. The winner will succeed President René Préval, who has been in office since May 14, 2006, and who previously served as prime minister under former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Many of the 19 candidates have capitalized on popular frustration with Préval’s leadership and criticized the president for his absence in the aftermath of the earthquake.
The Haitian Constitution, which does not allow dual citizenship, prohibits Haitians living overseas who have given up citizenship to be active politically, either as candidates or voters. Still, many of the candidates have campaigned as actively in the U.S. as in Haiti with the hope that the Haitian diaspora will sway the electoral decisions of friends and family in Haiti.
AS/COA provides an overview of each of the four leading candidates:
- Mirlande Manigat is the candidate for the Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes d’Haïti (Rally of Progressive National Democrats of Haiti, RADNP) party. Manigat is a former first lady; her late husband, President Leslie Fraçois Manigat, served in office for just four months in 1988 before being deposed by a military coup. If elected, Manigat would be Haiti’s first female president and one of the oldest at age 70. She is perhaps the mostly openly critical of Préval. In a November 2010 interview with Time magazine, she said that Haiti needs to break with its dysfunctional political establishment in a way that is neither brutal nor violent, but definitive. Her platform calls for universal public education—only about half of Haitian children attend school—and for the government to retake control of the delivery of social services. In post-earthquake Haiti this job has been carried out by the network of non-governmental organizations operating in the country. Manigat recently won the endorsement of a group of powerful and well-known Haitian senators who can help to broaden her base of support to regions outside her traditional area of influence.
- Michel Martelly, better known as kompa pop-star Sweet Micky, represents the Repons Peyizan (Citizens Speak Out) party. Since declaring his candidacy in August, he made a concerted effort to distance himself from his musical persona, usually associated with provocative lyrics. However, the singer has occasionally invoked his music to demonstrate the connection he has with the people of Haiti, not the politicians, and that he knows what needs to be done on the ground.
Martelly’s platform touches on a number of issues, including implementation of enforceable construction standards to avoid the ubiquitous weak foundations that came down during the earthquake, as well as streamlining Haiti’s decentralized government to allow for more efficient delivery of social services. He attributes many of the country’s ills to the regime of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, despite having a close relationship with President Préval, Aristide’s former prime minister. He also criticizes the indefinite occupation of the United Nation’s MINUSTAH peacekeeping mission—installed after Aristide’s ouster by the United States in 2004—whose soldiers recently clashed with Haitian protesters, killing at least one.
- Charles Henri Baker is the candidate for the Regwoupman Sitwayen Pou Espwa (Citizen’s Group for Hope, RESPÉ) party. He ran for president in the 2006 general elections, when he finished third. Baker is an entrepreneur who owns several garment factories in Haiti that sell products to companies like Sara Lee, Kmart, and Wal-Mart. In 2001, Baker became vice chair of the Association of Industries of Haiti. Given his ties to the business world, Baker’s campaign has stressed the role of private sector investment as a central pillar of the long-term reconstruction effort.
- Jules Célestin is the candidate for the Konvansyon Inite Demokratick (Democratic Unity Convection, KID) party and the only candidate to have received the endorsement of President Préval. He runs the Haitian government’s construction agency National Equipment Center. Though some, including BRIDES, believe Célestin is likely to be elected on November 28, little information is available about him. This is largely because Préval’s former prime minister, Jacques Edouard Alexis, was favored to be the KID candidate until August 2010. It is only recently that Célestin arrived on the electoral scene and little of his political platform is known besides his affiliation with Préval.
There is no free and fair in Haiti.
The International Community knows what is happening…but remains mute.
The vast Haitian majority remains outside the game.
Preval, and his stolen fortune, will take the poker game in which real opponents cannot raise “table stakes.”
Yesterday, in St. Marc, Jude Celestin arrived for a rally with 100 State owned buses, full of paid people, dozens of State owned Land Cruisers, full of paid participants…123 motorcycles (purchased by Celestin, 20 PNH police cars, with sirens and rotating beacons…and a bunch of low-boys carrying heavy construction equipment. The stopped in front of a half mile long wall…completely plastered with Celestin posters.
This game is supposed to convince the peasants that Celestin is the guy who can do things.
This is a game in which the thieves can play with stolen money to retain control of the Casino…which is Haiti. Once they have continuation of control…they will rob the Casino yet again…on into perpetuity.
Someone must call TIME OUT and return the game to a level field.
Very good.
But is it not too late to stop the election.
A delay would give time to correct some things.
Need a new CEP.
Preval must be forced to step down.
The election will probably take place, since two of Haiti’s many protectors the UN, and the OAS decided it should. But: According to the Haitian constitution the president must step down after his or her term expired.