April 11, 2016
Haiti’s conscience, Danton Leger, Commissioner of Government, should publicly explain the source of funding for his $4,600,000 USD hotel complex, in Leogane. This luxury hotel is registered in his brother’s name: Jackson Augustin. Perhaps the DEA would reveal what their files hold on this criminal, Leger, who now holds our Nation to ransom, and threatens any possibility of holding any electoral run-off to see a new President inaugurated.
Over the years, the Augustin family has been noted for stealing a great deal of property in the Leogane area.
Le Boucanier Hotel
NB : Le Boucanier Hôtel ouvre ses portes aux touristes du monde entier à partir de 26 Juin 2015.
Faites vos réservations dès maintenant
A few Mandats here, if you please!
Danton Leger has been tasked to create delays in the electoral process, dragging things out until any recount can be tainted, and Jovenel Moise removed from the game.
Leger busies himself, creating chaos, by issuing Mandats and Interdiction Orders against Martelly supporters, ignoring the vast pool of major criminals surrounding his heros, Aristide and Preval.
Youri Latortue recently appeared on TV to outline some of the huge questionable expenditures, from Petrocaraibe, under Preval. Some $600,000,000 to Preval’s wife’s SOGENAIRE, for power, at grossly inflated prices per kilowatt hour. How about a Mandat for Preval and Delatour, or a couple of Interdiction Orders?
Of course, whenever Leger looks in the mirror he sees a man who has used his 48 shadow schools to rape the educational system. Many false, non-existent students, have drained millions from PSUGO. Danton Leger is one of these. 7,327 students at $99 USD per student, per year, is a lot of cash.
It is a sad day that sees a key office, in the governance of Haiti, controlled by a known drug dealer, Danton Leger who publicly flaunts his criminal cash in the form of an expensive hotel complex.