January 20, 2015
One must wonder about the mental functions of Haiti’s First Couple, Sophia and Michel Martelly. I put Sophia’s name first since she is the one who seems to be calling the shots that will see President Martelly’s promising term in in office, turned into a pile of criminal fatrah
Our new cabinet will be known to historians, as they look back upon this ongoing train wreck as SOPHIA’S CHOICE. Others will describe it as a Consensus of Corruption. .
In a civilized nation, dozens would be jailed.
In Haiti we will simply see another Transition to Corruption.
The installation of Evans Paul – a controversial figure – is difficult to understand. He is supposed to replace the internationally popular, nationally successful, Laurent Lamothe. Evans Paul can only claim a history as a street person, a generator of chaos and violence.
Martelly must look in the mirror, each morning, and ask the same question: “Why did I do this to myself?” The Evans Paul installation was delayed, delayed, delayed and then presented as a well-practiced stage play, after a zombie performance by Martelly in delivering an address to the Nation.
The contrast was stunning!
Then the Installation of our new cabinet and supporting officers: We have a scene in which television viewers see Carel Alexandre sitting there, on the stage, with the rest of those chosen for office, waiting for President Martelly and Prime Minister Evans Paul to arrive and present them with their letters of appointment.
The program says : Le citoyen Carel ALEXANDRE est nommé Secrétaire d’Etat à la Sécurité Publique !!
There is a flurry off camera.
Voices can be heard.
President Martelly appears in shot and signals to Carel Alexandre, leading him off-stage and into another room where he explains that Pamela White, the American Ambassador, will not take part in the day’s ceremony as he is to be one of the recipients.
She, along with other foreign representatives, will walk out, creating a major embarrassment.
Carel is then ushered out of the building, via a back door, and the ceremony proceeds.
Carel Alexandre’s empty chair sits there, leaving a gap like that in the smile of a young child, losing baby teeth.
A bad step for the embryonic, newly hatched, Evans Paul government.
And not unexpected.
During the early days of Martelly’s presidency, he selected Alexandre as head of his Palace security. The Americans had a heart attack and the selection was reversed. Rightly, or wrongly they saw Alexandre as a major figure in the cocaine business.
Why then did the Mouse challenge the American Lion?
The Arrogance of Power is a dangerous, often fatal disease for which there is no known civilized cure.
In Haiti, there is the Coup or another of those totally pointless Governments of Transition, Governments of Consensus or some similar surrender, under a different name.
When Martelly created that Commission of 11 people to recommend dismissal of Prime Minister Lamothe, he effectively surrendered, abandoned his responsibility as President. We elected him to run the Nation, not 11 people, unelected, and unqualified.
President Michel Martelly has taken the first three years of his very successful government and destroyed whatever legacy the future may have held for him.
Sad but true.
Haiti loses again as Aristide maneuvers in the background, plotting a return to power.
Unfortunately, in Haiti, anything is possible.
Very true but extremely sad. The reason I reside in New jersey.
Martelly est fou.
I have watched the meteoric rise of the Michel Martelly, Laurent Lamothe government with some hope. It was too good to be true. Martelly was the perfect front man, for the team, with Lamothe putting things together. Perhaps Lamothe was too successful and captured too much of the publicity.
Whatever the case, Haiti is again sliding back to the old ways. There is no one on the horizon, who can maintain forward momentum.
Only destroyers who wish to fill their pockets.
Martelly’s family will be the ruin of this presidency as was the case with Jean Claude Duvalier.
Sophia est un cochon gourmand avec des regards qui correspondent.
Michael Collins, I read your article. One of your statements, “In a civilized nation, dozens would be jailed”. Your arrogant statement seems to indicate that Haitians are not “civilized”. You need to understand that “civilized” is a word that Europeans used against any civilization that is not theirs, to support their belief that Europeans are superior to others. Every culture is “civilized” according to their customs and way of life. Do not use European discrimination and racism to insult Haitians.
Jacques Delatour
I don’t need to use European discrimination to insult Haitians.
A few Haitians manage that very well for themselves, not caring about the faceless millions who suffer indignities because of these “insulters.”
One might suppose you are related to the Delatour who raped the Nation’s treasury as Governor of the Central Bank.
“In a civilized nation, dozens would be jailed,” is a tongue in cheeck comment by someone who lives in Haiti.
From your I.P. and e-mail address, you don’t.
Cut the righteous crap and do something to restore the integrity of Haiti that existed – I know you will flip again – under Francois Duvalier.
Don’t be a jerk!
We understand the Ambassador also complained of Casimir. But what has he done? Or does he hide some things?
Delatour says, “Every culture is “civilized” according to their customs and way of life.”
As a Haitian, I find that extremely insulting. Does he mean that Haitians are “civilized” because we are controlled by a bunch of thieves, kidnappers, drug smugglers? Is that our “custom and way of life?”
We don’t have to worry about the Blan when we have morons like this.
Leslie Delatour était un voleur de mega
Under Francois Duvalier we had a giant as Governor Central Bank – Andre from Les Cayes. The entire worldwide banking system honoured Andre.
Delatour disgusted them as does our present criminal chief banker