July 10, 2015
With the late night arrival at the International Airport of a Globemaster 111, largest transport in the USAF inventory, with some MARINES, the American government has transmitted a message to Haiti’s troublesome opposition.
Haiti has experienced the start of an election cycle.
The International Community, OAS, European Economic Community and others have had observers on site. These observers have seen flaws, but all agree the flaws are not great enough to invalidate the process.
In other words, there were two leading candidates – Jovenel Moise and Jude Celestin. These guys will face each other, in a run-off, January 24 to decide the winner.
Any problems, with the first round, can be corrected in the second.
That is the way Democracy works. Anything else is chaos. You cannot simply decide you don’t like the Democratic Process and hold the Nation to ransom, as the Group of 8 does.
Unfortunately, Haiti has no structured security system. The PNH are divided, and the Army is dead, otherwise a lot of people would be arrested, and the streets would be patrolled and safe.
Jude Celestin is creating these problems because he is a realist. He knows he will not win a free-and-fair, heavily controlled and observed election.
In the past the Aristide, Preval team has managed to blackmail the world into acceptance, of their government, with the threat of violence if refused.
Remember the last time when Preval’s team put 1000 chimere into the Montana Hotel with the threat that they would burn Port-au-Prince down if Preval was not “selected” first round.
And so a legitimate second round, that would have seen Preval defeated, was abandoned. Haiti suffered the incompetence of Preval for another term.
They tried the same game to put Celestin in, last time, and he was blocked by revelations of his massive thefts and contract killings of the CNE chief and a French Consul.
How he was even allowed on the present ballot is beyond us, what with Amarol Duclona’s testimony in a French court to the effect that he had killed many people, on the orders of Aristide, Preval and Jude Celestin.
Celestin hid Duclona in Preval’s sister’s house, before smuggling him to the Dominican Republic, on a false passport – obtained by Celestin, in the name of Innocent.
Let Haitians peacefully finish the electoral cycle and prove Celestin’s popularity, or lack of popularity.
It is a time to bury the unfortunate Aristide/Preval past. Celestin is the final reminder.
Our children, our childrens’ children, their children – and the Nation deserve a chance for some sort of future. A return to the Aristide/Preval cycle offers nothing but chaos, more starved kids and a deteriorating economy.
Michel Martelly may have many faults but he loves his Nation and his People.
The same cannot be said for Celestin – who loves himself.
Let us have a vote.
Jovenel Moise is a path to an improving future.