Oct 22, 2016
Even as the forgotten people of Pestel fight their personal reality of continuous rain, no shelter, no food, accelerating cholera and no Hope, American Ambassador Peter Mulrean revealed the American view of Haiti’s attempt to hold free-and-fair elections.
Mulreal was speaking to a number of Haitian Deputies, about the problems with Haiti’s electoral process.
The Ambassador said the most popular candidate was Jovenel Moise, with none of the others in the game. An election must elect Jovenel Moise.
However, winning the elections doesn’t mean a thing.
The Ambassador finished his analysis by saying if Jovenel won the Presidency, he would not be able to enter the palace because of street violence.
We have spoken to Privert people, who control the streets, and they promise bloodshed, death, if Jovenel tries to enter the palace after winning the vote.
In other words, the International Community has allowed Privert the time required to complete his preparation to totally block the Nation.
By allowing Privert’s charade as he challenged the veracity of the 2015 vote, the International Community gave Privert the time to consider a Presidency for Life.
He promised to install a Lavalas President with a Lavalas government and, so far, he is doing pretty good.
Privert has installed a Lavalas Police Chief.
He has replaced hundreds of government people, with Lavalas militants.
He has installed a Lavalas Cabinet.
He has taken the key gang-leaders onto the government payroll.
He has paid off the entire Haitian media, giving many key jobs with the government.
He has funded his action with dollars stolen from Douane and other cash generating offices.
All of this has effectively crippled the true functions of our government, as he prepares for war.
Privert’s wife travels in a convoy of 12 Land Cruisers!!! Why in God’s name is the wife of a guy, with a 120 day mandate, eating up resources like that! Poor children can’t go to school.
Mulrean admits we don’t get there from here.
Any vote that elects the most popular candidate is doomed, with the Privert Plan.
Jude Celestin is the alternative!!!
Time to stop and smell the roses.
Article 149 from the 1987 Constitution must come into play.
Judge Roc must be selected for the position of Interim President, to get the Nation back on track.
Unless this is done, we are doomed to an eternal round of events that really lead nowhere.
The people of Haiti are devastated by Hurricane Matthew and the ongoing rain that now floods a large part of the Nation. River banks are breaching, villages drowned, sanitation a thing of the past and the reality of cholera – so long diminished by false UN propaganda – is upon us.
We are about to experience an epidemic of major proportions as Privert endeavours to use the Nation’s desperate condition as a lever to stay in power.
The people are not interested in elections that simply place corrupt politicians in power.
This criminality has been demonstrated as their elected politicians have stolen tens of millions worth of relief supplies. They will market this to the highest bidder, with no social conscience.
Remove Privert from the equation.
Place Judge Roc in his place as a legitimate, constitutional President, who will lead us to some sort of sanity and salvation.
The present criminality is costing dozens, perhaps hundreds of lives each day.
They deserve a chance.
At the moment, Privert’s democratic process offers them no chance as he, and his team, live in luxury, his wife zooming around the streets in her 12 4 wheel drive Land Cruiser convoy, a convoy that would be better utilized delivering food and medicine to our children in Pestel, and other sites.
You forgot to add “Jovenel Moise approves of this message”, since this article was just a propaganda piece for that candidate. Jocelerme Privert is our guy in Haiti, and he’s not going anywhere. Deal with it!
There it is folks. In the words of an actual admitted Dominican racist piece of garbage, ricart- “Jocelerme Privert is our guy in Haiti, and he’s not going anywhere. Deal with it!”
It looks like his wife is planning her escape. Do you know that this imposter of a president likes to dress up a lady? Perhaps he too can go fuck himself
Peter. If you would,please keep it civil. Vent frustrations, but language choice should be considered
Hello Ricard. Jovonel would be a good guy to have as president even for you in dominican republic. A stronger independent Haiti would make you dogs worry though. We would be a better neighbor if we had our own people in control.
Too bad I cannot answer you, Marc Charles, because the hotshot administrator refuse to approve my messages.
RIcart- Now posing as Joey, is actually the author of this comment. Ricart- you are banned from this site, and unless you are prepared for the next step, I suggest you find something else to focus your negativity on. We have been able to log your actual IP already to the specific internet user- YOU- and the fake IP addresses you are using are useless, and likely not legal in the USA. You live in the Bronx, and are a shit eating racist with bigoted posts on other sites, and even more where you are banned.
Spamming and internet harassment are federal crimes. I suggest you kindly heed them, since the precedence that you have already put online is pretty horrid.