Martelly holds two unbelievably large rallies in Cap Haitian and Port de Paix, drawing tens of thousands…..while Manigat’s efforts are numbered in the hundreds. Because of this, American Ambassador Merten, Edmund Mulet of MINUSTAH and President Preval have advised their choice for president, before a vote is dropped.. Mirlande Manigat, to tour the nation without the media to avoid letting the world know how little popularity she possesses.
Remember, in the real polls, before Preval bought her as his puppet candidate, she polled 4.5% and some suggest this was a high estimate. Then the Reginal Boulos fraudulent polls, and the CEP decided her fate as the leading candidate, in a criminally flawed election.
Jean Henry Ceant should have won the first round, but Preval was afraid of him. So he tried to fix the elections and now Martelly is about to trounce his puppet….calls for another fix!
The entire process should be canceled and started all over.
But no, MINUSTAH is set on completing the second round, with Manigat the winner, even though the overwhelming evidence shows Martelly is a way out in front.
To Hell with the “Peoples’ Will…” put Manigat in power!! says MULET
They need Manigat to maintain the level of mediocrity that will allow the UN a stay in perpetuity.
Martelly will move to instill some law-and-order in preparation for a UN withdrawal in 2 years. He will not allow the continued rape of Haiti’s economy by the traditional bourgeoisie …when set them against him, and behind the empty vessel known as Mirlande Manigat.
We are heading for an explosion if the Peoples’ Will is thwarted again.
If Haitians turn out in a mass for Martelly and then have Manigat presented as “their choice” they will erupt.
Better to cancel th election now and start all over again than try to force another criminal choice on the poor Haitian voter.
He/she has had enough!!!