Travel Warning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bureau of Consular Affairs-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Los Angeles California- Police display a confiscated ROCKET LAUNCHER


August 13, 2013

The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens traveling to or living in Haiti about the security situation in Haiti. This replaces the Travel Warning dated December 28, 2012, to update information regarding the crime level, lack of adequate infrastructure – particularly in medical facilities – seasonal severe inclement weather, and limited police protection. The United Nations’ Stabilization Force for Haiti (MINUSTAH) remains in Haiti.

The Department of State urges U.S. citizens to exercise caution when visiting Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens safely visit Haiti each year, but the poor state of Haiti’s emergency response network should be carefully considered when planning travel. Travelers to Haiti are encouraged to use organizations that have solid infrastructure, evacuation, and medical support options in place. (Please see the Country Specific Information page for Haiti.)

Haiti’s infrastructure remains in poor condition and inadequate. Medical facilities, including ambulance services, are particularly weak. Some U.S. citizens injured in accidents and others with serious health concerns have been unable to find necessary medical care in Haiti and have had to arrange and pay for medical evacuation to the United States. We strongly encourage visitors to Haiti to obtain evacuation insurance.

U.S. citizens have been victims of violent crime, including murder and kidnapping, predominately in the Port-au-Prince area. To date in 2013, two U.S. citizens arriving in Port-au-Prince on flights from the United States were attacked and robbed shortly after departing the airport. It is recommended that U.S. citizens have their host/organization meet them at the airport upon arrival and/or have pre-arranged airport transfers and hotels. While the government of Haiti has made progress in recent months to arrest and disrupt perpetrators, kidnapping for ransom can affect anyone in Haiti, particularly those maintaining long-term residence in the country.

Regions of Haiti outside the capital have lower reported incidents of crime. However, authorities’ ability to respond to emergencies is limited and in some areas nonexistent. Should a traveler find him or herself in an emergency, local health, police, judicial and physical infrastructure limitations mean there are few local resources available to help resolve the problem. Embassy employees are required to adhere to certain required security and safety measures when traveling outside of Port-au-Prince, which constrains our ability to provide emergency services to U.S. Citizens outside of Port-au-Prince.

U.S. Embassy personnel are under an Embassy-imposed curfew of 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. and must remain at home or other safe facility during curfew hours. Additionally, there are restrictions on travel by Embassy staff in certain areas or times. This may constrain the Embassy’s ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens outside Port-au-Prince. For additional details on restrictions on staff travel within Haiti, please see our Country Specific Information for Haiti.

The Haitian National Police (HNP), with assistance from MINUSTAH, is responsible for keeping peace and rendering assistance. However, given the possibility and unpredictability of violent protests, its ability to assist U.S. citizens during disturbances is very limited. U.S. government-facilitated evacuations, such as the evacuation that took place from Haiti in 2010, occur only when no safe commercial alternatives exist. Please see our website for additional information on how the Department of State assists U.S. citizens during a crisis.

U.S. citizens who choose to travel to Haiti are urged to review our Country Specific Information page. U.S. private sector organizations with operations in Haiti can obtain additional information on the security situation in the country through the U.S. Department of State’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC). OSAC’s mission is to promote security cooperation between U.S. private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. OSAC also maintains an active Country Council in Haiti to promote the exchange of security-related information. The Council is comprised of security professionals and is co-chaired by the Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy Port-au-Prince and a private sector representative. U.S. private sector entities can obtain additional information on OSAC by visiting the OSAC website.

U.S. citizens are also urged to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) in order to receive the most up-to-date security information. While the Embassy’s ability to provide emergency consular services is extremely limited, travel enrollment will enable receipt of security messages via email. Current information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States; callers outside the United States and Canada can receive the information by calling a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except U.S. federal holidays. The Embassy of the United States of America is located in Port-au-Prince at Boulevard du 15 Octobre, Tabarre 41, Tabarre, Haiti, telephone: (509) (2) 229-8000, facsimile: (509) (2) 229-8027, email: American Citizens Services (ACS) Unit office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Consular Section is closed on U.S. and local holidays. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, please call (509) (2) 229-8000. The Marine guard will connect you with the Embassy Duty Officer.

U.S. citizens can also stay informed about conditions in Haiti by following the Embassy and ACS on Twitter and Facebook.


Haiti is almost as dangerous as Los Angeles and not nearly as dangerous as Chicago, Detroit, New York, or Fort Lauderdale.

Insecurity in Haiti would be Security in any of these cities.


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1 thought on “Travel Warning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bureau of Consular Affairs-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

  1. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haïti (HCNN) – Les autorités haïtiennes, ont déclaré mercredi que la situation sécuritaire s’est sensiblement améliorée en Haïti, mais ont reconnu que beaucoup reste à faire afin d’assurer que la force de police de ce pays des Caraïbes dispose des moyens dont elle a besoin pour accomplir pleinement sa mission.

    Le Premier Ministre, Laurent Lamothe, et le Chef de la Police, Godson Orelus, ont déclaré qu’Haïti est plus sûre aujourd’hui qu’elle ne l’était au cours des dernières années, en raison d’une série d’efforts déployés par les dirigeants du pays pour renforcer, mieux former et équiper les plus de 10.000 officiers qui composent la Police Nationale d’Haïti (PNH).

    “Le pays est beaucoup plus sûr aujourd’hui, même si nous continuons à faire face à des défis importants en termes de financement dont nous avons besoin pour fournir des moyens plus adéquats à la police”, a déclaré Lamothe à HCNN mercredi.

    “Il est évident que nous avons plus de sécurité aujourd’hui. Par exemple, nous avons enregistré seulement 2 enlèvements pour le mois de Juillet. Par rapport à ce qui se passait avant, c’est un record”, a expliqué Lamothe. “Mais nous voulons zéro enlèvement et nous voulons nous assurer que tous les criminels se trouvent là où ils appartiennent, qui est en prison”, a-t-il dit

    Le Premier Ministre Lamothe, qui est également président du Conseil Supérieur de la Police Nationale Haitienne, a déclaré que le gouvernement s’emploie à accroître le nombre de policiers disponibles. Il a fait remarqué que de nombreux policiers n’avaient pas une arme de service ou en avait une qui n’était pas adaptée à leur mission.

    “Nous avons fourni à la police des armes plus adéquates et d’autres moyens logistiques pour les aider à mieux faire face aux criminels armés», a déclaré Lamothe.

    «Nous avons amélioré le système d’intelligence et augmenté leur formation», a déclaré le Chef du gouvernement, expliquant que la police a besoin de beaucoup plus de moyens pour s’acquitter pleinement de sa mission.

    Le gouvernement haïtien fait la promotion d’Haïti comme une destination touristique et un endroit privilégié pour les investisseurs de faire des affaires.

    «La sécurité est très importante pour nous parce que le peuple haïtien mérite de vivre dans un environnement sécuritaire», a déclaré Lamothe. «Mais aussi, si nous déclarons qu’Haïti est ouverte aux affaires et si nous invitons les touristes à visiter le pays, la sécurité est une condition préalable”, a déclaré Lamothe.

    Le chef de la police Haïtienne, Godson Orelus, a déclaré que l’amélioration de la situation globale de sécurité est due à des opérations régulières menées par les différentes unités de la police pour démanteler les gangs et prévenir les activités criminelles.

    «Nous avons démantelé la plupart des gangs et arrêté leurs chefs ainsi qu’un nombre important de leurs membres”, a déclaré Orelus à HCNN.

    «Un des facteurs importants dans le succès des opérations de police est la coopération de la population qui maintenant a plus de confiance dans le travail que nous faisons pour la protéger des bandits”, a déclaré Orelus.

    Les autorités gouvernementales prévoient d’augmenter le nombre de policiers à environ 15.000 dans les deux prochaines années, comparativement à environ 10.000 aujourd’hui.

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