The saga of the Bicameral Commission continues

Haiti Libre

Wednesday, Dieuseul Desras Simon, President of the National Assembly announced that the members of the Bicameral Commission, who shall appoint the three representatives at College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP), responsible for organizing the next elections, have finally agreed on the terms of reference proposed by the Presidents of both Chambers.

These terms of reference state that the Deputies and Senators will name separately their representative and that the third representative, will be designed from a list provided by the organizations of civil society, according to a formula and criteria that are to be determined…

Of terms of reference, which establishes, if necessary, the inability of both Houses to agree, 16 days after the installation of the Commission… Of terms which are far from the agreement of 24 December, which provided the designation of 3 representatives of legislative power, from a list of candidates proposed by the five sectors of civil society.

Moreover, according to the Deputy Abel Descollines, the Commission, whose deadlines are constantly being extended, will have until March 11 to submit to the Head of State, the name of 3 representatives of Parliament. However, the deputy pointed out that the Commission will only disclose its names, after the Executive and the Judiciary will have communicated the names of their representatives…

A condition, that, if it is applied, could jeopardize the deadline of 11 March in case of delay of two other powers, unless new divergences arise within the Commission on the formula and criteria of esignation of the third representative of the Civil Society.


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