The Rainy Season is upon us

Feb 27, 2010

Haiti’s rainy season has begun.

Last night torrential rain turned tent cities into misery for half a million homeless earthquake victims. This morning I visited the Place St. Pierre sheet and shanty refugee camp in Petionville where wet belongings hung to dry.

An eighteen year old mother and two week old baby slept on cardboard covering a rusty bedframe. Their “tent” was a sheet strung between poles.

Meanwhile Haitian government customs officers are levying high taxes on tents and humanitarian supplies! Foreign doctors fear cholera and malaria epidemics as rainy season is marked by nightly downpours. Haiti needs your prayers and your gifts.


Author: `

2 thoughts on “The Rainy Season is upon us

  1. This is a sad and frightening comment upon what ishappening in Haiti today. President Preval, Prime Minister Bellerive and their associates are stealing most everything while the people get little.

    They cannot steal what the 82nd Airborne has in its hands so they now insist donors sign all things over to them. With Title to the food and medical supplies, tents and clothing they have the legal right to do anything.

    So they sell it and no one does anything to stop them.

    Where is God?

    Perhaps he is the only one who can block these men and women with no conscience. A plague upon their houses.

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