The Compromised Catholic Diocese of Peoria


The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Peoria. (Photo by John Carroll)We have been lied to. The Catholic pew sitters at Mass on Sunday have been lied to by the Fathers of the Church.

I am Catholic and believe in the doctrines of the Church, but I no longer believe in the men who lead our Church. The universal fallout from the depravity of clerical sexual abuse and subsequent coverup by the Catholic Church is daunting.

I think our local Catholic leaders in Peoria have been compromised due to the sexual abuse scandal. When conservative Bishop John Myers “colluded” with OSF in the early 90’s to allow OSF physicians to prescribe oral contraceptives from their OSF offices, he did so for a reason. I believe that OSF had Bishop Myers in a tough spot and all he could do was comply with the financial interests of our Catholic hospital. The teachings of the Church were brushed aside via creative but dishonest ethical loopholes.

And 10 years later when Bishop Daniel Jenky refused to help Haitian Hearts children obtain medical care in Peoria, he did that for a reason also. Just like Bishop Myers, OSF had Bishop Jenky ensnared in their tentacles. Bishop Jenky feared OSF and turned his back on Catholic teachings which demand care for the poor. He needed to care for himself and the financial interests of his Diocese.

Sexually abused children and dying Haitian kids have been ignored by the very people who should have protected them. Our Catholic leaders in Peoria have been weak. Both groups of children are victims and some have not survived.

All roads lead to Peoria. Our Church leaders have “circled the wagons” during the past decades. This saga is not yet over. Tell a big enough lie and it will be believed…until it isn’t.


John A. Carroll, MD



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