The “Core Group” deplores thefact that the Haitian Parliament has become dysfunctional



Réf : PR-CG/17/2015


The “Core Group” deplores thefact that the Haitian Parliament has become dysfunctional and expresses its supportto the President of the Republic in the exercise of his constitutional duty

Port-au-Prince,13 January 2015 – The Special Representative ofthe Secretary-General of the United Nations and the other members of theinternational community in Haiti represented in the “Core Group” (theAmbassadors of Brazil, Canada, France, Spain, the United States of America andthe European Union, and the Special Representative of the Organization ofAmerican States) deplore that the extraordinary session of the NationalAssembly, which was convened to vote on the amendments to the Electoral Law,did not take place.

The “CoreGroup” is also gravely concerned that the Haitian Parliament has becomedysfunctional due to the fact that elections have not been held within theconstitutional timeframe. In this context, the “Core Group” expresses itssupport to the President of the Republic in the exercise of his constitutionalduty to ensure the regular functioning of institutions and the continuity ofthe State. In these exceptional circumstances, the “Core Group” trusts that theExecutive and all the political actors will act with responsibility andrestraint.

The “CoreGroup” welcomes the Political Accord recently concluded between PresidentMartelly and several opposition parties. In the best interest of the nation,the “Core Group” encourages all parties to join the consensus through this Accord.Recognizing the recent efforts made by the President of the Republic and other actorsto rebuild confidence in the political process, the Core Group further calls onall stakeholders to continue negotiations with the objective of forming, as amatter of urgency, a consensus Government, as well as a new ProvisionalElectoral Council in the spirit of Article 289 of the Constitution, and toorganise, as soon as technically feasible, inclusive, fair, and transparentelections in 2015, in order to consolidate democracy andstability.

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