Rouzier for Prime Minister?

Rouzier is a popular and successful businessman. Immediately after the January 12 2010 Earthquake, the US Army wanted to rent a large piece of property from Rouzier for their camp on Tabarre Road. A colonel left the contract with a blank space for the price saying,”Fill it in. I will approve it.”  When the colonel returned he received the contract with a price of $10.00 inked in.

There were a few who avoided making money from the disaster.

He lost a brother to the earthquake.

Rouzier has the experience required to run a major business, or the country. Other contenders are professional politicians with no experience- in anything.

A good choice and we wish him the best of luck. Rouzier will need it..

Unfortunately, some will raise the race issue since Rouzier is light skinned.


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1 thought on “Rouzier for Prime Minister?

  1. I personaly think that in the actual context, it is fragileous to act outside the way indicated by the Constitution to choose a Prime Minister. It is very clear that the president of the republic must work together with the presidents from both chambers, senate and parliament to do so.

    It is rediculous to take another way.We need to avoid confrontation which is not for the best interest of the country.
    We agree that we need to correct a lot of damages caused by the former governments of Haiti, but at the same time, we can not repeat the same mistakes done by the anti democratic and populist guys as presidents of this country anymore.

    Ican not sustain that behavior at all.We need to stop doing that.

    However, we need to bring to justuce some people who use the senate and the parliament to hide in order to avoid to be arrest because of their pending cases before the court. To many scandals.

    For example, the cases of Senators Joseph Lambert, Moise Jean Charles, John Joel Joseph, Jocelerme Privert,and so on.We need to release these guys to face justice for the best of the population. We can not wait until the end of their mandates to get them. We need to send a clear message to the entire groups.

    But, I can not sustain any action outside the constitution in the process to pick some one as prime minister.We need to put aside the principle of ” mounpayis,zanmitay” as it was the case with Jean bertrand Aristide and Rene Garcia Preval.WE pay too much for that. WE can not accept to repeat the same ex[erience for any reason.

    Where is the change?

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