September 29, 2017

Once again the Nation must recall the murderous periods of our ARISTIDE/PREVAL presidencies. As time passes, so do the memories of lives lost to these dictatorial criminals who effectively sounded the Death Knell to Haiti’s embryonic attempts at Democracy, that mirage-like concept so dear to the Blan.

And now, Aristide/Lavalas, in partnership with other undemocratic organizations, such as the three electrical power monopolies, and major controllers of the local marketplace, plan to block our society and force collapse of Jovenel Moise’s government.

Privert’s criminal pirating of our government, for one year, set the gameplan, and now the movement presses for a street coup d’etat using well-reasoned arguments.

However, behind all of this reasoning is a simple grab for power to prevent Jovenel’s attempt to reclaim the government for Haiti’s 12,000,000 people.

Recently Senator Don Kato, Rene Civile, Assad Volcy, Moise Jean Charles, and several major business elements, including our Power Potentates, traveled to the Dominican Republic for meeting in the Sheraton Hotel with representatives of the Dominican Government and business community.

Senator Don Kato’s actions probably qualify as Treason, but why let some little thing like that bother us. He is now a Presidential hopeful.

One segment of their plan will see the frontier closed for at least one week.

Some $10,000,000 from the Dominican Republic is the first bag of money aimed at making this plan work. A small investment to protect billions.

Jovenel must wake up and become Proactive instead of Reactive.

His government’s concept of the game, especially the information game, is sophomoric.

We are standing on the edge of the abyss.

Jacques Ketant Aristide’s cocaine partner.

Amarol Duclona – Aristide CNE Chief and French Consul.

Aristide lovesthe smell of Pere Lebrun.


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