September 3, 2015

Starting from various points, around the city, marchers congregated in front of the Petion-Ville CEP headquarters. Noisy demonstrators demanded the resignation of CEP President Opont, and the other members, of this organization.

Their demonstrations are very important.

Otherwise, the UNIBANK/Martelly/Boulos/Preval/Group Bourdon axis will gain control of the Nation. Once this happens, their grip will last for 20 years, or more. As a shadow group, behind this movement, is a mix of drug-dealers, money launderers, kidnappers and some murderers.

BOUCLIER – the Martelly concept, coordinated by his brother-in-law, Kiko St. Remy, is a danger to the Democratic Concept. If BOUCLIER gains control of Parliament, in partnership with PHTK and VERITE, Haiti will mark another first – the Democratic creation of a true Narco-State.

Many of the demonstrators, in front of the CEP, chanted about the drug-dealers controlling the palace.

Time for the International Community to wake up.

Opont and his CEP associates must go.

New elections must be scheduled for Decemebr, covering all offices.

Heavy International Community support should be sought, and give, to make sure the elections ar efficient, and fair.

We are not optimistic.

The world is always will to accept garbage on behalf of Haiti’s citizens.


Cher Canadien,

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Manifestation en cours : Pont-Ronge, Bel Air, Solino, Delmas 2, Route de Delmas pour aboutir à Pétion-Ville devant le Conseil Électoral Provisoire (CEP).  Au moment où vous recevez ce message, la manifestation est déjà sur l’autoroute de Delmas, au niveau de Delmas 65. Des changements imprévus à l’horaire et au parcours anticipé peuvent survenir, il est donc recommandé à tous les citoyens canadiens d’éviter ces secteurs.

Les Canadiens devraient demeurer vigilants en tout temps, éviter toutes les manifestations et les grands rassemblements et suivre les conseils des autorités locales et surveiller les médias locaux. Nous recommandons aux Canadiens, lorsque cela est possible, de contacter leur famille et informer les contacts d’urgence au Canada de leur localisation et bien-être, même s’ils n’ont pas été touchés par un incident en particulier.

Dans l’éventualité où vous auriez déjà quitté et ne vous trouveriez plus en Haïti, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l’adresse (inscriptions des Canadiens à l’étranger) afin de désactiver votre inscription.

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En dehors des heures ouvrables, vous pouvez communiquer avec le Centre de surveillance et des interventions d’urgence (CSIU) à Ottawa en téléphonant à l’Ambassade du Canada à Port-au-Prince (Haïti) et en suivant les instructions. Vous pouvez aussi appeler le CSIU en composant (à frais virés lorsque offert) +1-613-996-8885 ou par courriel à

Affaires étrangères, Commerce et Développement Canada


Dear Canadian,

You are receiving this email because you are registered with the Government of Canada’s Registration of Canadians Abroad service. Please share the following important information with other Canadian citizens in your area.

Ongoing demonstration in Pont-Ronge, Bel Air, Solino, Delmas 2, Route de Delmas to reach Pétion-Ville in front of the Conseil Electoral Provisoire (CEP). At the time you are receiving this message, the demonstration is already on Delmas Road at the level of 65.  Be aware that changes could occur without notice; as such it is recommended to all Canadian citizens to avoid these sectors.

If you have already left and are no longer in Haiti, please send an email to our Registration of Canadians Abroad email address at in order to end your registration in our system.

Canadians should remain vigilant at all times, avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local media. We recommend, if possible, that Canadians get in touch with their emergency contacts in Canada to confirm their whereabouts and wellbeing, even if they have not been affected by this event.

We encourage you to stay connected to the latest travel advice and advisories, and can find our emergency contact information at, also available via our mobile Travel smart application ( or by subscribing to RSS feeds (  You can also follow us on Twitter @CanEmbHaiti or Facebook Embassy of Canada in Haiti

Canadian citizens requiring emergency consular assistance can contact the Embassy of Canada in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) at 2812-9000 or

For emergency assistance after hours you may communicate with the Emergency Watch and Response Centre (EWRC) in Ottawa by calling the Embassy of Canada in Port-au-Prince and following the instructions. You may also reach the EWRC directly by dialing (collect where available), +1-613-996-8885 or by email at

Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada


Author: `


  1. “Time for the International Community to wake up”. Wishful thinking, The International community is one of the reasons Haiti is in this systemic mess.

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