Haiti: Senators Delay Report on Prime Minister for after Easter-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (defend.ht) – Contrary to what was announced, the Prime Minister appointed Laurent Lamothe will not know his fate in the Senate this week and could even wait until after the Easter period.

Several senators on the committee to analyze parts of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs informed on Tuesday, that it is a complex issue.

Pierre Francky Exius (Sud/Inite) informed that the Committee should organize its third working session on Tuesday. “We have many documents that have to be analyzed and the file contains ambiguities. Also, we will not be able to submit our report Thursday, he added, noting that in addition to the question of the nationality of the person concerned, parliamentarians are also on the floor having discussions related to his residence.

The parliamentarian stressed that his colleagues want to ensure that the record of Mr. Lamothe meets the prescription of the ARTICLE 157 of the Constitution regarding any requirements to any citizen who aspires to the prime minister, and maintains that there will be no political compromise.

Senator John William Jeanty (Nippes/Konba), also a member of the commission for his part considers that his colleagues should take the time it takes to scan the folder of Lamothe, especially since he is part of a government whose members are resigned under parliamentary investigation for their nationality.

Jeanty said he believed it would be better sought to lay the real problems of the country to find the person who can best help solve them.

As for the prime minister designate, said he expected ratification in serenity. There is a Senate committee that works, has Mr. Lamothe said, expressing confidence that the Senate will act with professionalism and patriotism.



They are worried about Article 137 but do not look into a mirror to discover those who in Parliament have dual citizenship, or criminal convictions in violationg of Constitutional requirements for their own elections.

Millions of US Dollars have already been paid to the Senate/Chamber in an effort to buy Lamothe’s approval.

Who cares if he doesn’t qualify for residence… and he doesn’t. The important factor is found in Lamothe’s energetic effort to promote Haiti.

Let’s get him seated and get the bus on the road.


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