In The aftermath of January 12’s horrific earthquake many people headed for the Dominican border and perceived safety there.

Each had his/her own personal motivation. Some were self-centered while 10 missionaries took in the well-being of many small children.

Prime Minister Bellerive was one of the first to hit this barrier, after it was closed to traffic.  He should have been in his office, tending to the needs of his Nation. Instead, he was fleeing with an aluminum Halliburton case crammed with $8,000,000 in crisp new $100 American bills.

Prime Minister Bellerive was unaware that his own government had closed the airport and borders.

Bellerive was arrested by the police force he commands..

President Preval had to personally extricate this disgusting, child-molesting coward, through the personal intervention of Fernandez, President of the Dominican Republic. We are not sure where the $8,000,000 came from or what happened to it after the Prime Minister’s release, but that is the way of Haiti. A few million, here or there, does not matter in a land of starving people.

Perhaps Preval passed it along to Elisabeth Delatour-Preval for household expenses. She is an expensive camp-follower.

The quake destroyed many structures as it killed nearly 300,000 people, injured another 500,000 – or so – and left millions homeless. In the middle of this chaos was a group of American missionaries with  several dozen small Haitian children

They should have cut-and-run, deserting the children. This would have been the way of Bellerive, or his leader Rene Preval. Instead, these 10 missionaries endeavored to save the children from  chaos that followed the quake.

The missionaries were arrested. They have been charged in such a way that they could face something like 15 years in jail. They cannot receive bail so they remained jailed at a unit near the international airport. Now follows months of back-and-forth, with court appearances, delays and obfuscation.

Preval managed to keep one of Haiti’s leading businessmen – Franck Cine – locked up for over two years, after a superior court ordered his release. Such is the Haitian legal system

Preval managed to insert a lawyer into the missionaries defense team. This guy would  manage to be caught trying to bribe a judge, as Preval had directed.  Subtle way to poison the water, making the people look guilty even before a trial.  Before this he was making stuoid statements in public that didn’t help his clients.

I know of several leading businessmen who are pedophiles. In spite of this, they are welcome at the table of Rene and Elisabeth Preval, so long as they don’t bring the children with them.  No one moves against them. Bellerive does not have his police arrest them.

But Prime Minister Bellerive has appeared on television, and the radio, stating that the Americans are guilty. One would expect the Prime Minister to be impartial until a trial has been held. His comments do not generate optimism for a fair outcome in a country where a few dollars can have the court system forgive a murder.  The other side of the coin can see a few dollars have the courts convict and innocent. Last year, $20,000 kept an American locked up in Miragoane, after he was supposed to be released. He may still be there if the quake didn’t kill him.

Even Prime Minister Bellerive would be convicted, in a land with a legal system. He is very partial to very young boys.  He once canceled an  important meeting, with French officials in Martinique,  for an unexpected encounter with two small boys at a hotel in the Dominican Republic. He was Minister of Planification then and the French Second Bureau recorded this event on film.

So now we have this pillar of society focusing on a group of unfortunate missionaries who came to Haiti on a mission of the heart. They wanted to help children.  Without the quake’s intervention, they would still be functioning in Haiti.  Unfortunately, the .7 quake leveled much of the infrastructure throughout the land. This included the building housing the American operation, and most others in the district. There were immediate fears of aftershocks. These were realized and more buildings collapsed, weakened by the initial shock.

I am here, and know the uncertainty that prevailed. No stores were open. There was no food and there was no water. My own group was faced with more than a week with rapidly dwindling supplies and we were well-connected.

Here is an American group of missionaries in a strange land with more than two dozen small children and no supplies and no idea of when things would change. They had a bus and some fuel so they headed for a refuge in the Dominican Republic, untouched by God’s Will.

Like Bellerive, they were stopped at the border. Unlike Bellerive they were not released.

CNN has made a big thing about the possibility of child trafficking. What would have been settled in the Haitian way was suddenly blown out of all proportion. President Preval immediately recognized the opportunity to  use a world stage to embarrass the Americans and – perhaps – derail their relief effort. By doing so, it would fall into the hands of his friends in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba and Brazil.

February 8, Preval will meet with Chavez, and other leftist presidents of the area. This meeting will see them assail the “American Occupation of Haiti.” It will also showcase the American missionary group and what Preval will describe as a kidnap of Haitian children.

Preval is planning a Trail by Media in which  he will try to divert attention from his criminally incompetent presidency by focusing attention on the United States and, by association, Canada and France.

It is time for the International Community to wake up and see the facts for what they are!!


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