FLASH-FLASH–FLASH DAILY REPORT 21 FEB 2010-COCAINE KING Picked by PRESIDENT PREVAL as Coordinator of Reconstruction Funds and Projects




Here is a guy who was arrested, during the Aristide presidency, with 53 kilos of cocaine in his car, along with $156,000 US in cash. He was in his SUV on Route National #1 early one morning.   Rather than be pleased with the arrest, a government official  (PREVAL)  made the police return the drugs and money to Bonefil.

Now President Rene Garcia Preval has returned to the scene of the crime and has given the cocaine trafficker Bonefil control of hundreds of millions – perhaps billions of US dollars being channeled into Haiti for reconstruction projects.  As partners in the crime Preval has embedded his wife, the avaricious courtesan Elisabeth Delatour-Preval, and Jude Celestin in  the Bonefil team.

During the earlier Preval Presidency, people expecting a shipment of drugs went to the palace. From here, Preval’s vehicle transported them to and from the docks, returning the traffickers to the Palace where they paid their  fee to Preval and then left with their cocaine.  Preval depends upon those he has dealt with before and picked Bonefil because of this.

All of the facts, mentioned here, are known to the American embassy, and others in Haiti. Why do they tolerate the this ongoing criminal conspiracy??

Watch this site for all the details of the Bonefil’s project!!


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2 thoughts on “FLASH-FLASH–FLASH DAILY REPORT 21 FEB 2010-COCAINE KING Picked by PRESIDENT PREVAL as Coordinator of Reconstruction Funds and Projects

  1. Calling him a Cocaine King is a bit of an exaggeration.

    Perhaps he is a Prince.

    The real Cocaine Kings are on a level with Faurel Celestin. When they are caught the US Government makes deals that see them released from prison in less time than some DUI – Driving Under the Influence – convictions.

    Celestin should have been in prison for 40 years. Instead, he spent his time in a luxury prison/hotel, giving up the names of many others. For this, he was allowed to retain his cocaine fortune and return to Haiti 5 years after being caught. Celestin is responsible for many crimes, in addition to the cocaine conspiracy, including murder.

    How can my country hope for any sort of future when criminals are rewarded and honest peopl pay the price? How can we hope for salvation when we have a murderer, torturer, kidnapper, cocaine trafficker and major thief in the palace?

    There is no hope.

  2. “How can we hope for salvation when… thief in the palace?

    Well, by a minority of people and force of arms if you want an intelligence dictatorship. For ability to kill is in direct proportion to intelligence and those born most intelligent alway rule, if a minority rules.

    Then there is majority rule if by organization you can get achieve majority participation and a willingness to share each other’s burden.

    But as it is in Empire USA so it is in Haiti, with a 20% we3althy country club set, a 30% educated middleclass and a 50% laboring class that has yet to learn how to share each other’s burden.

    For we are all given a different level of intelligence as a test, to see if we pass our excessive wealth down to those less fortunate where it belongs.

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