Des dizaines de poissons morts dans le lac Azuei, les autorités alertées-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Haïti: Les autorités haïtiennes s’apprêtaient dimanche à interdire la consommation de poissons dans plusieurs localités proches d’un lac où des dizaines de poissons ont été retrouvés morts ces derniers jours.

“Une quantité anormale de poissons, plusieurs dizaines, ont été retrouvés morts à la surface de l’eau et sur les rives du lac Azuei qui coule dans la localité de Malpasse à la frontière avec la République dominicaine”, a indiqué le secrétaire d’état haïtien à la production animale Michel Chancy.

Les responsables de la Protection civile haïtienne et des ministères de l’environnement et de l’agriculture ont été alertés par les riverains qui ont découvert les poissons aux abords du lac au cours des trois derniers jours.

“Il pourrait s’agir d’une intoxication, mais il y a plusieurs autres hypothèses”, a déclaré M. Chancy qui a indiqué que des techniciens envoyés sur place avaient prélevé des échantillons de l’eau et des poissons pour les faire analyser dans des laboratoires en Haïti et à l’étranger.

“Nous attendons les résultats avant de nous prononcer”, a poursuivi M. Chancy.

Dans l’attente des résultats des analyses, les autorités haïtiennes ont invité les villageois à ne pas consommer et à ne pas commercialiser les poissons et autres produits en provenance du lac Azuei.



This article simply states that dozens of fish in this particular system have been found dead. Be careful of eating fish from the site.

Should be end of story, but it isn’t!

This morning the Haitian radio stations were reporting ALL OF THE FISH DEAD, cattle and goats that drank the water – dead..instantly!!!!

And, to top it off, two foreigners are reported as being arrested after being seen dumping something into the waters on December 27. The mysterious stuff has been sent to America for analysis by Doctor Chancy.

This is the type of stupidity that will get people killed, as the same type of stupidity is getting Houngons/Voodoo priests lynched – for creating cholera.

Foreigners are already suspect – because of earlier rumors.

Remember a case – about 3 weeks ago – when 4 foreigners were set upon by a group of people in the Fort Jacques area….because they were “seen” putting something in the water. Turns out these guys had hiked that specific area each weekend and had nothing to do with anything, since nothing happened.

Lucky they weren’t killed!!!

Now, this groundless spreading of false information is putting the entire international medical support situation at risk.

Haiti is a superstitious nation with people who do not really understand many of the technical realities accepted as everyday fact in America.

What agenda do the the people who spread this type of rumor have?? Is someone paying them to spread the rumor. We all know that the Haitian media depends upon envelopes of cash to keep them solvent.

Is Preval starting the rumor the create more tension with the International Community as he moves to stay in power.

The next step could see Preval unite the people – through FEAR – against the International Community. THAT WILL GIVE HIM THE DICTATORSHIP HE REALLY WANTS AND HE WILL RULE BY DECREE, WITHOUT A PARLIAMENT, UNDER A STATE OF SIEGE.



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