Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Cholera in Haiti-Added Audio clip

Almost seven thousand people have died of cholera in Haiti over the past year. It’s by far the largest outbreak in the world today. But…

Posted in Govt Incompentece

Chirac Gets Suspended Jail Term

BY INTI LANDAURO PARIS—A French court on Thursday sentenced former President Jacques Chirac to a two-year suspended jail term after his conviction on graft charges,…

Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles Govt Incompentece

Jacques Chirac déclaré coupable de détournement de fonds publics

Jacques Chirac déclaré coupable de détournement de fonds publics Le tribunal correctionnel a condamné l’ancien président français Jacques Chirac à deux ans de prison avec sursis…

Posted in Elections

Haiti – Economy : The budget 2011-2012 will be tabled in Parliament in January 2012

Yesterday after his meeting with the Commission Finance of Senate, André Lemercier Georges, the Minister of Economy and Finance declared that he would again…