“THE ROCKS OF ARCAHAIE” – An Attack on Haitian Democracy


April 12, 2017

The Nation’s Presidency was attacked at Arcahaie, the fountainhead of modern Haiti’s existence.

Rocks were thrown.

No one was killed, or injured.

A simple matter?


This event must be viewed on a much larger map

Haiti is faces a tremendously dangerous situation with roots in a past, well beyond the birth of what could be called “The Jovenel Hope.”

Jovenel   represents the vast Haitian majority, a majority that has never really been involved in any major decision. Aristide swept to power after Duvalier’s departure, in a populist movement that hoped for better and generated worse.

Democracy – as experienced to date – is a mirage.


Aristide was a false representative for what our vast majority was seeking – simple fairness in the balance of life. He was a poison whose effects still linger among our people.

Preval presented two holding situations that really did nothing other than make a few, of the few,  richer.

During PREVAL ONE  we saw a puppet manipulated from Tabarre. Preval wouldn’t even allow his wife to refer to herself as The First Lady. He angrily told her there was only one First Lady, and this was Mildred at Tabarre.

PREVAL TWO was a break away,  a cynical   “do nothing” void,  finally filled by Michel Martelly when Preval’s plan to install Jude Celestin, as his puppet was derailed by the International Community. Celestin is a murderer who had helped Preval rape the treasury. Between them they plundered CNE for $90,000,000 and Petro Caribe for $198,000,000 with the complicity of many others.

Michel Martelly was what one observer described as “The Accidental President”, winning a  true popular landslide vote,  as the young – representing more than 54% of the voter base, selected Martelly, their  Musician, who then became Martelly their President.

The Musician transitioned smoothly into the Politician.


Michel Martelly’s Presidency – which breathed a flicker of life into Democratic reality,  should be, must be the bridge from the past to the future, otherwise our Nation is really doomed to become a Failed State.

There are some who hope and work for the Failed State concept, in the misguided belief that this will still provide a continued base for their own survival, a protective umbrella against what should generate retribution for past, and ongoing crimes, against our Nation, our People.

This greedy, self-centered minority must refocus its values. Profits must be reinvested in Haiti’s future, otherwise the continuous draining of our well will leave us totally bankrupt. How can we expect foreign investment when our own people rush to send their profits out of the country? These people have Visas from comfortable locations, allowing a retreat whenever they desire.

Those without Visas – without Hope must remain in the disaster a greedy few perpetuate.


Privert stole one year from the lives of our 12,000,000 in his Lavalas-oriented effort to place a Lavalas government in place, during his criminal, unconstitutional dictatorship. Privert used these stolen months to implant many disruptive Lavalas elements throughout our infrastructure as he and his associates totally drained the treasury. These elements must be surgically removed from the patient’s body, or the patient – Haiti – will die.

Privert’s instability remains, a clear and present danger.

Those “Rocks of Arcahaie”   were not just aimed at Jovenel Moise. They were a direct assault on all of us who really believe in Democracy and a prosperous future for Haiti.

The Rocks transmitted a message that must be answered by  our President, the guy Haitians chose  to lead their Haiti into their future.  Their lives, their childrens’ lives are in his hands. A few cannot be allowed the luxury of disrupting the progress of   12,000,000!

Many of our elected representatives work against the very concept of Democracy. Without massive bribes they will not vote for   things that would benefit the very people who elected them.

Business people subvert the National interests to make their fortunes.

Working together, with positive motives, these two important segments of our society could guarantee a successful Democracy that moves the Nation, their Nation forward.

We are not optimistic. Unfortunately, many from these sectors act in direct efforts to destroy Democracy, using Democracy’s tools to do the work.

Parliament votes – approving a crime,  and it becomes a legal Democratic reality -because Parliament has voted. Forget the fact that votes were purchased with millions, previously stolen from our economy.

If there was Law in Haiti these criminals would be arrested. Unfortunately, like Parliament, Law is susceptible to the reality of American Dollars.

Such is today’s Democracy in Haiti.

There is no Democracy. The concept has been replaced by a Dictatorship of American Dollars.

Greed is our enemy and must be neutralized,  at least reduced, otherwise there will be no Hope and Hope is all our people seek, nothing more….  only the opportunity to succeed, to survive with Honor and Dignity.

Is that not the challenge and reply of our vast majority, from the peasant base, when meeting another on the country roads.

Honor and Dignity – a good foundation for a future, our future, our childrens’ future, the Nation’s future.

Jovenel Moise comes from this vast majority. He is their first real Hope, in the many generations since the 1804 Declaration of Independence, a declaration that really did little for the majority.

President Moise stands at the crossroads, the correfour. This is the Moment of Truth. Will he chose the difficult path towards Hope or slide along the easy route towards failure.

We believe that President Moise has the determination,   and ability to lead us through this difficult moment in time.

He cannot do this alone.

Jovenel needs the Nation’s support, our support to do whatever is required to guarantee our future. He also needs the International Community’s acceptance, and support for what must be done.


Jovenel must speak to his People, those faceless, trusting ones, Jovenel’s faceless brothers and sisters,  who represent the true Democratic Majority. He is their one and only real Hope for Justice, a Justice that has eluded them since the Declaration on Independence, at Arcahaie,  so long ago, on the very location where rocks were thrown against his entourage, against our Democracy!

May 18, with all of its emotional meaning, with all of its emotional memories,  is not far away. It must be the moment  for Jovenel Moise, the Peoples’ President, to speak for their interests; the true National Interests, and give a warning to those who would betray our Hope, for whatever reason.

The choice is a very simple one.

Together we can attain success; Our success.

Fragmented, we are doomed.



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1 thought on ““THE ROCKS OF ARCAHAIE” – An Attack on Haitian Democracy

  1. Accueil | Nouvelles | Haiti | Incident de l’Arcahaie:10 personnes interpellées
    Incident de l’Arcahaie:10 personnes interpellées
    12/04/2017 06:00:00 Auteur(e) La Redaction
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    image Clamé-Ocnam Daméus – photo alter presse

    Une dizaine de personnes ont été interpellées dans le cadre de l’enquête concernant l’incident qui s’est produit à l’Arcahaie (nord de la capitale), où des jets de pierres ont été lancés contre le cortège présidentiel le vendredi 7 avril 2017.

    C’est ce qu’a fait savoir le nouveau commissaire près du Tribunal de première instance de Port-au-Prince, Clamé-Ocnam Daméus, lors d’une conférence de presse, ce mardi 11 avril, et à laquelle a assisté l’agence en ligne AlterPresse.

    Ces interpellations ont été effectuées suite à une opération policière, menée entre les dimanche 9 et lundi 10 avril 2017.

    Tous l’appareil de justice a été mobilisé pour apporter une réponse à « l’attaque », fait-il valoir.

    « Parmi ces 10 personnes interpellées, il y en a qui commencent à collaborer. Cette collaboration a permis d’avoir de nouvelles pistes, pouvant débouchert éventuellement sur l’identification des auteurs intellectuels », informe-t-il.

    Toutes les personnes responsables de cette « attaque » seront traduites en justice pour répondre de leurs actes, promet-il.

    Au cas où les policiers affectés à la sécurité présidentielle seront tenus responsables de négligence, des sanctions pénales et administratives seront prises à leur encontre, prévient-il.

    « Qu’il s’agisse de motivation politique, de chantage ou d’une forme de revendication, ça ne passera pas parce que la loi définit les moyens à utiliser pour faire passer une revendication », rappelle le commissaire du gouvernement.

    Le ministre de l’intérieur et des collectivités territoriales, Max Rudolph Saint-Albin, dit prendre très au sérieux cette « attaque » commise contre « le plus grand symbolisme de l’État ».

    Cet acte sera puni « avec la plus grande fermeté » dans le cadre de la loi,dit-il.

    « Ces actes attentatoires à la vie du président de la république, commis par des individus non encore identifiés, constitue une menace grave contre la paix publique et la sûreté de l’État », a condamné l’Exécutif.

    La Mairie de l’Arcahaie a aussi déploré cette attitude de la part de gens motivés, selon elle, par des « intentions autres que celles des riverains de l’Arcahaie », dans une note de presse, en date du samedi 8 avril 2017.

    Des pierres ont été lancées par des manifestantes et manifestants contre le cortège présidentiel.

    Une crise a débuté, depuis plusieurs mois, à l’Arcahaie, suite à la décision prise en juillet 2015 par l’ancien président Michel Martelly, d’élever la localité de Montrouis au rang de commune.

    Au début du mois de mars 2017, des mouvements de protestations ont été renouvelés à l’Arcahaie, contre ce projet de délimitation territoriale.

    Une dizaine de blessés, quatre véhicules incendiés et 20 autres gravement endommagés ont été enregistrés, suite à ces mobilisations.

    Alter Presse

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